Chapter 7

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Inside the Owl House, Luz is reading her book while standing on the couch, and King is watching.

Luz: "Azure "Our paths have crossed only in battle. But today I stand before you seeking an ally." Isn't that just great?"

King: "Luz, you're getting all swoony again."

Luz: "I can't help it. Azura can befriend everyone. Even her biggest rival. I wish I had that kind of power."

Y/n: "Sorry Luz that type of power isn't real"

Y/n said while walking out the kitchen with a cup of apple's blood, oddly he likes it tastes like a sweet coffee. That and sometimes if he drinks too much it looks like he is wearing lipstick.

Luz: "I know, but wouldn't it be great to turn your rival into a friend?"

King: "Rivals are meant to be annihilated not befriended. Now keep reading."

Y/n: "I somewhat agree with King, a rival is someone who pushes you forward to be better. It's also why I and King are rivals."

Luz: "You are?"

Y/n sits down on the couch in the middle of the two, Luz sits down next to him and he pulls out a book titled "How To Survive a Demon". King narrows his eyes at Y/n and his book while he sticks out his tongue.

King: "Wiseguy here thought he would make a guide on demons! He even took some of my notes. This worse thing is he thought, his was better than mine and I'm the King of Demons!"

Y/n: "More like the King of Stuff Animals."

King: "I will burn you and your creation!!"

King had tackle Y/n to try and grab his book, Y/n was trying to keep King away from his book. Luz on the other hand was watching this with a smile on her face, it was like watching tv but better.

Y/n: "King get out of my shirt!"

King: "Make me!"

King somehow crawled his way in Y/n's shirt and was trying to tickle him, lucky for Y/n, King didn't know his tickle spot.

Y/n: "Jokes on you I'm not ticklish!"

Luz: "King tickle him on his spine with your tail!"

Y/n looked over to Luz with a look of betrayal until he started to laugh, he couldn't stop laughing that he couldn't stand anymore.

Y/n: "HAHAHA I-I HAhAn thought you Hahaha LOVED ME!!"

Luz smiled and crouched down to his level with a smile on her face, Y/n looked up with tears in his eyes and still laughing.

Luz: "I do, but I call this revenge for the prank from this morning"

Yeah, Y/n thought it would be funny to prank Luz this morning. Eda found a shaving cream can, so when Luz was sleeping he put some in her hand. Then to make her hit herself in the face he tickled her nose with a feather, now Luz was out for revenge.

Y/n: "HAHA I-I'm sorry! Ju-HHAHaha make him stop!"

Luz: "Alright King you can stop."

King: "Okay I got what I needed anyway."

King crawled out Y/n's shirt and with his book in hand, Y/n gets up from the ground and cleans himself off before looking annoyed at Luz. She smiled innocently at him before kissing her his, this caused him to blush and look away.

Luz: "You forgive me?"

Y/n: "I guess I will.."

Hooty: "Ding‐dong. Ding. Hoot! Hoot!"

The both of them jumped at Hooty opening the door, walking over to see what's up they look down to see a basket.

Y/n: "Please don't be a baby that a parent just dropped off to raise."

He muttered to himself, Luz picked up the basket and brought it into the kitchen where Eda and King were. King was trying to light Y/n's book fire luckily for Y/n, Eda stopped him.

Y/n: "My book!"

Eda: "This is yours? I saw this little guy trying to burn it."

King: "It must not be seen by the world!"

Eda was holding the book away from King while he was trying to reach for it, Y/n walked over to grab it. He then left to put it in his backpack locked away from King. When he came back Luz had put the basket on the table, and King oddly had a bibe on.

Luz: " Eda, you got a package. It looks like a gift basket."

Eda: " Probably an offering. Ah! Being the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles has its perks."

Y/n: "Or it could be a gift from a stalker."

Everyone looked over at the basket while King, lifted the blanket to reveal a baby sleeping.

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