Like We Use To

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Lydia sighed in content as she felt a familiar pair of warm arms tighten around her stomach. This whole thing went from turning her into a nervous wreck everyday to truly feeling like she was in a dream.

"Good morning gorgeous.." Milo rasped out sleepily as his girlfriend turned around in his embrace to face him. Taking in her sweet smile and flushed cheeks he couldn't help the giant grin spreading across his face.
"Good morning Handsome.." She debated with herself for a moment but quickly realized she couldn't help herself. Her boyfriend moaning in surprise as she captured his mouth with hers. Slow and sensual. Milo found his lips still following hers as she was pulling away.

"Probably should get started on breakfast, you have a test today." He huffed as she booped his noise, her smile mischievous as she rolled out of bed.
"Why did I sign up for summer session!?" Lydia laughed as he groaned dramatically into the pillow while she checked her reflection in the mirror.
"Your just that studious.. Okay chop chop!" Smacking her hands together she made her way out into their kitchen more than ready to start their day even though it was only 6 am...

There was a lot to get done.

She had her first order in months to fulfill since the pandemic. Birthday party, easy peasy but deep down her stomach was churning from the amount of stress she felt.

Coffee was brewing, her notes for the order pinned up on the wall while she began to crack eggs over a pan for breakfast.
Bacon was crisped, French toast perfectly fluffy and eggs scrambled by the time Milo lazily walked into the kitchen. Hair still wet from his shower.
"God I love you." He declared, landing a loud kiss on her cheek as he grabbed his filled plate from her hands.
For a moment time stopped. The two staring at each other in slight awe. The words hadn't been so loosely said to each other.
"...and I love you" Lydia shyly said back, sitting a cup of overly creamed coffee in front of her boyfriend. Just how he liked.
"Thank you for breakfast Lyd." She only nodded, grinning as she turned to make a smaller plate of food for herself.

Things were slowly becoming normal..
Well a new kind of normal but that was perfectly okay with them.


Lydia came walking into the apartment as quietly as she could. At the same time a pencil went flying through the air. Luckily missing her by a couple feet
"Fuckkkkkkkk!" She heard her boyfriend groan lowly making her pick up the pace.

As soon as she stepped into the living room she found him, head in his hands. His fingers tugging at his beautiful chocolate strands in frustration.

As not to startle him, Lydia softly knocked against the entryway. Milo straightened his spine immediately, blushing furiously.

"H-hey—hi—uh h-how did the drop off go?" He stammered out as he haphazardly gathered his notes and pencils trying his best to busy himself with the clean up.

"Good.." Lydia answered slowly, making her way over to the couch. Her boyfriend still not making eye contact with her as she did. Finally Lydia sighed reaching out and grabbing the book and notes Milo was trying organize on the coffee table. She set them down and took his flushed face in her hands.
"Hey... What's going on?" Her voice was overly soft, like an Angel, Milo thought still refusing to look her in the eyes. They had been in this situation so many times but she didn't remember. He was just content that she was acting like she did every other time. Quite, gentle, soft and understanding. 

"I ... I'm sorry." He tried pulling away to wipe the tears threatening to spill but Lydia being Lydia only shushed him and pulled him back. Softly brushing the pads of her thumbs under his eyes.

"Mi-mi.. or babe..  Sorry—Its stupid but you never called me Milo." The usually strong teen sniffled mentally slapping himself. He was acting like a little bitch.
"Sorry, still learning.. Okay Babe talk to me." Milo took a deep breath his cheeks becoming even hotter but at least his heart was returning to a normal rhythm.

"I'm like one hundred percent sure I just failed my summer semester..  I had literally no idea what the fuck was on those finals! Like I was questioning if I was even taking the right tests... I thought I studied enough but with everything going on I just kept pushing it off thinking these classes were easy.. That I could catch up.." Milo sniffled, shaking his head with a weak laugh. "I'm sorry like I don't even know why the fuck I'm so upset. It's just a class, it's just money, it's just another semester.. but like I just wanted to prove that I could do this. That I could work, I could go to school and juggle everything else too." He tugged on the ends of his hair again, taking another deep breath in attempt to calm himself down. It was obviously not working, watching him as he began to bounce his knees up and down.

"When do you get your results back?" Lydia quietly asked, her fingers playing with the rips in his jeans. Trying to distract him, she learned by now once he got himself in a funk it was really hard to talk him out of it.

"In about an hour.. The answers are locked until everyone finishes taking the—" Milo moaned loudly in surprise as his girlfriends hungry mouth cut him off. He was shoved down against the couch cursing against Lydia's lips as she grinded her crotch down on his.

No one did distraction, quite like Lydia.

"Fuck, fuckkk." Milo hissed as her teeth scraped down his jaw while her hands expertly undid his belt and buttons to his jeans.
"Mi-mi, I want you right now." His dick twitched with every whispered word from her lips. "Hard, fast and as filthy as you can be..."
Milo fought to gain control, forcing himself up into a siting position as she continued to straddle him. Creating a delicious friction between there layers of clothes. His heated eyes met hers, cupping the back of her neck he brought her as close as possible.
"Are you sure?" He asked breathlessly, he never wanted her to feel like she had to do something. Just because she was his girlfriend though that was never the case.
"More than sure, I need you." She tugged her shirt over her head and flung it to the ground.
"God I fucking love you baby."


Feeling like getting smutty,who's with me ?

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