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Chapter six The Mummy Arises Angelica's POV:I woke up to Evelyn saying we needed to get ready to go back into the tomb

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Chapter six
The Mummy Arises
Angelica's POV:
I woke up to Evelyn saying we needed to get ready to go back into the tomb. She was very energetic this morning, which blew my mind because she drank so much the night before. "In a minute, Evie." Jonathan mumbled. "Come on, guys! I'm sure we're going to find lots of cool things down there!" She was way too cheerful. "I'm hungover so give me a few minutes." I told her. "Well, hurry up." I rubbed at my eyes and realized I was laying on someone's chest. I looked over and saw Jonathan curled up across from me. I gulped and realized the only other person it could've been was Rick. "Good morning." Rick said, his voice laced with sleep. "Good morning." I replied. I slowly sat up and his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. I bit my lip and looked down at him. His eyes were closed and his hair hung in his face. "Mr. O'Connell, I don't have much recollection of last night." "You were drunk. Nothing happened. You did try to kiss me though." He chuckled and my eyes widened. I immediately remember leaning to kiss him and then passing out. "Mr. O'Connell, please excuse the events last night." "You can call me Rick, you know." I half smiled and said "Rick-" "Hey, I've done worse things while drunk." He sat up and leaned over to whisper in my ear. "If it makes you feel any better, I was hoping you kissed me." My breath quivered and he removed his arm that I forgot was around my waist. He then stood up and walked off. I stared at him in shock. "Why are you staring at him like that?" Naomi asked from beside me. I jumped and said "no reason." She quirked an eyebrow and said "are you sure?" "I almost kissed him last night because I was drunk. He just told me about it. I feel so embarrassed." "I'm sure he won't think too much of it. He's probably just blaming it on you being drunk." I nodded and said "yeah." "I kissed Troy." I looked at her and said "what?" "Yeah. He was drunk. I was buzzed. And he just kept rambling. He wouldn't shut up. So, I kissed him so he'd shut his damn mouth. But, as soon as I kissed him, I realized I kinda liked it. And he moaned!" She said the last part in a whisper yell. "Really?" I said, in shock. She nodded. "I didn't expect him to do that." I nudged her and said "he must like you." "He doesn't. There's no way a prince like him would want someone like me. That's just common knowledge." The bad part about what happened last night was, I wanted to kiss Rick. But, I wanted to do it sober. I found myself slowly falling for him. And I don't know why. Maybe it was because of the way he held me last night when he helped me off the ground, maybe it was the way he always made sure I was ok. Maybe it was the fact that we bickered but at the same time liked each other's company. I shook out my hair and Rick brought over some water. I took a cup of water from him and Naomi went off to wake up Troy. I quickly downed the cup of water and Rick grabbed my arm. I made a surprised noise and he said "just checking your bruise." The wind blew softly, his bangs blowing in the wind. I brushed my hair out of my face and he said "I wish I could ice that for you."


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