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Chapter threeJourney to Hamunaptra Angelica's POV:We all had to walk to the nearest town

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Chapter three
Journey to Hamunaptra
Angelica's POV:
We all had to walk to the nearest town. Naomi was beyond annoyed since she had also been wearing white. She had been wearing a white shirt that was now wet. Because it was dark she hoped it wouldn't bring too much attention but she still stayed behind me and away from the men. Rick and Troy talked softly amongst one another as they led the way. Francisco yawned and said "I'm tired." "Keep walking." Rick said. Francisco huffed and Evelyn blinked a few times to stay awake. Jonathan looked at her and said "just a little bit longer, old mum." She half smiled at him and I held Jonathan's suit jacket closer to my body. "The town is another couple of miles. And we'll find some place to sleep." Troy said to us. I felt my legs start to ache. I took a deep breath and continued to walk. Naomi was glaring at the back of Troy's head and I looked at Jonathan. He rubbed at his eyes, stumbling in the sand. "Johnny?" He looked at me, awaiting what I had to say. "Will you carry me?" He nodded and walked over to me. "Ready?" I nodded as he swiftly picked me up, bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Whew. Thank you." I said softly. "You're welcome." Rick turned around and looked at us. Troy did the same. Rick picked up Evelyn who could barely keep her eyes open. "No." Naomi said to Troy as he approached her. "Just let me carry you. Just until we get there." He said. She nodded and then said "if I catch you looking at my chest, I'll kill you." Troy nodded and picked her up. We all continued to walk. I was in and out of sleep as we walked the couple of miles to the town. I felt heat from fires as we were in a town. Rick made sure we had some lodging which was a tent that we all had to share. Rick set Evelyn down on one of the beds and Troy set Naomi on one of the other ones. Jonathan went to set me down and I said "no." "Hey, it's ok. We can sleep now. I'll be right here." I noticed he was fatigued from carrying me so far. I nodded and he set me down, exhaling. I went to take off his suit jacket and he said "keep it. For now." He plopped down onto the floor next to Evelyn's bed, immediately falling asleep. Francisco was on the floor in between mine and Naomi's bed. Rick sat down and sighed. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to the desert heat. I shrugged off Jonathan's suit jacket and sat up, stretching, forgetting that my shirt was still see through. "Woah." Rick said. I froze and looked down to where his voice came from. He was staring up at me. I quickly covered myself and Rick looked away. "Everyone get up." He said. Troy opened his eyes slowly and Jonathan sat up, almost hitting his head on Evelyn's bed. Francisco jumped at Jonathan's movement and Naomi looked at me. Evelyn sat up and started shaking her hair out. Rick looked over at the prison warden who had tagged along with us. He kicked him and the warden immediately sat up. "I forgot you were with us." Rick mumbled. Troy put his glasses on and reached into his bag, pulling out some money. "Girls, go and get some clothes. We'll meet back here." Evelyn took the money from him and stood up. Naomi stood up, her arms in front of her chest. I gave Jonathan his suit jacket back and the three of us left. I hated that I had to walk around in my nightgown. We were quick to find women that could help us with clothes. It also seemed like we were all going to be wearing black. Which was fine. Evelyn had a dress that was long. Mine probably went right above the knee and Naomi's did the same. We made sure we had proper shoes and headed back to the men. "I only want a few! Not a whole bloody herd! O'Connell! Can you believe the cheek!" Jonathan said as he stood next to a man who was selling camels. "Will you just pay the man!" Rick said. "Oh, for heaven's sake! Can't believe the price of these fleabags!" Jonathan pulled on the reins of the camels and was visibly annoyed. "You could've got them for free. All we had to do was give him your sister." Rick sniggered. Troy did the same. "Yes. Awfully tempting, wasn't it?" Jonathan asked sarcastically. Rick looked over at the three of us. We were dressed clad in our brand new outfits. The three of us almost matched. "Awfully." Rick mumbled. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and said "what's next?" "We're going to take these camels to Hamunaptra. So, everyone grab one." Rick said. We all climbed up onto our camels and then followed Rick out into the desert. I had never ridden a camel before. It was quite fun for me. Naomi smiled at hers as she patted it's head. "Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit." Jonathan complained. The warden spit onto the ground just as he said that. "Disgusting." Jonathan said as he looked at him. "I think they're cute." Jonathan looked at me and said "of course you would." I shook my head and we were starting the long journey to Hamunaptra.


The sun was setting and the heat was slowly dying. Evelyn mumbled as she started to fall asleep on her camel. I struggled to keep my head up and Naomi was about to fall off her camel. Troy held her up and made sure she didn't fall. Jonathan had a stick in his hand which made his camel go faster if he needed it to. The warden was snoring obnoxiously. He then slapped the warden with it and then acted like he was asleep.

I closed my eyes and head lolled to the side, falling onto Rick's arm

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I closed my eyes and head lolled to the side, falling onto Rick's arm. He held me up and I said "sorry." "It's no problem." I felt my eyes began to droop once again and Rick continued to hold me up. "Sorry. I'm just exhausted." "It's not a problem, Angelica." Francisco snored as his head fell forward. Troy adjusted his glasses and kept Naomi steady. Jonathan pretended to be asleep but was very much awake. "How much longer?" I asked Rick sleepily. "We'll be there by morning. You can sleep, you know. I'll make sure you don't fall." He replied. I shook my head and said "I can't sleep on a camel. There's just no way." "You can if you're tired enough." I nodded in agreement and Rick did as he said he would, he made sure I didn't fall. I had waken up just as the sun was rising. Rick was asleep and I looked behind me at our group. Troy was holding up Naomi and the two of them were asleep. Francisco was hunched over, close fo falling off the camel. Jonathan had his head propped up with his hand, his head slightly hanging low. Rick began to stir and he woke everyone up. He told us we had to reach this valley in order to get to Hamunaptra. We were greeted by Beni and his group of explorers as well. "Nice camels, O'Connell." He said. Rick patted his camel's head and Francisco said "what're we waiting for?" "The sun will show us the way. We just have to wait." He replied. "Hey, O'Connell. Remember the bet? Whoever gets to Hamunaptra first wins $500 cash bucks." Mr. Henderson said. Rick rolled his eyes and nodded. Jonathan yawned and we all watched as a city began to appear on the horizon. I gasped softly and Evelyn said "it's there. It's really there." "Hamunaptra." Mr. Burns said. Rick and Beni looked at each other and then Rick set off. "Let's go!" Troy quickly said. We all immediately followed after Rick, trying to get to Hamunaptra before the other group.

Yes I'm sort of ending this on a cliffhanger! Also I've decided that will be writing the mummy returns as well. So, I'll probably go back and add some more cast members and things like that. Not sure if I'm doing the third mummy movie but you'll all be the first to know.

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