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Chapter sevenImhotep's Regeneration Angelica's POV:When we reached Cairo it seemed like we were safe

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Chapter seven
Imhotep's Regeneration
Angelica's POV:
When we reached Cairo it seemed like we were safe. Rick was saying that we all needed to leave. He was throwing all my belongings into my suitcase. "Rick, it's our fault. We need to stop the mummy." I said. He looked at me and said "are you crazy? We need to leave. It's not our problem." "He'll destroy everything. We need to stop it. Evelyn said we need to stop him." "Heh, no I don't. I'm going to be far away from here when he starts destroying things. I also did what the contract said, I took you and your group to Hamunaptra. End of story." I gasped softly and said "is that all I am to you? A contract?" "Listen, Angelica, we need to go." "I'm not leaving. It's our fault. We let him out. We'll put him back." Rick rolled his eyes and then left the room. I groaned in frustration and sat down on the bed in my room. "All I am is a contract to him. Why did I develop feelings for this idiot?!" I threw one of my shirts across the room. My feelings were definitely hurt at his comment. I sat down on my bed, putting my head in my hands. Francisco came into the room and said "Angie?" I looked up at him and he said "what's wrong?" "Rick's being a jerk. That's all." "We're staying here? To fight the mummy?" "We have to. He'll destroy the world if we don't. Rick's leaving. I'm sure Mr. Henderson and Mr. Daniels will be leaving as well." Francisco sighed and said "are you mad at Rick? For wanting to leave?" I nodded and said "a bit. I let myself have feelings for that oaf of a man." Francisco sniggered and said "I knew it. It's cause he's big and strong isn't he? I saw the way he was holding you in the tomb, and the way you were holding him. He looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world." "Well, turns out he doesn't think of me that way at all. He told me himself that I was just a contract. I'm just a stupid girl who wanted to have an expedition at Hamunaptra. We saved his life, after all. But, I'm not going to dwell on him. We have things to do that don't involve him." Francisco nodded and said "I was going to go down to the bar and try to get a drink. You want something?" I shook my head and he left my room. I decided I'd go and find Evelyn and see if we could come up with a plan.

Naomi's POV:
Angelica had passed by my room and let me know that she was irritated at Rick. I knew his comment had hurt her, only because she had let herself fall for him too quickly. I picked up one of my books and started reading, maybe there was something inside that could help us. The small white cat in my room meowed and I smiled at it, going back to my book. I mumbled the words softly and I heard footsteps. I figured they were coming from outside so I didn't even look up. Then my book was snatched out of my hands. I gasped as it fell onto the floor and I was face to face with the mummy from earlier. "Anck Su Namun." I began to back away, slowly. The mummy still looked like he was decaying but looked like he was getting closer to becoming human. He began to speak, in ancient Egyptian. "You have freed me. I thank you for doing so, Anck Su Namun." I furrowed my eyebrows at the name and went to answer him but I watched his hand reach for my cheek. I flinched and then the room to my quarters opened, Troy and Rick standing there along with Jonathan and Francisco. Rick stepped forward and send to shoot him, the mummy throwing him back, causing all the men to fall. A meow was heard and the mummy looked at the white cat. A scared screech left his lips and he disappeared into a cloud of sand. Rick said "we've got problems." Troy stood up, putting his glasses back on his face. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded and said "I'm fine." "He didn't hurt you, did he?" "No." Rick stood up and looked around the room. "Where's Angelica?" I shrugged and said "wherever she is, she's not happy with you." Francisco nodded in agreement and said "yeah. She's mad at you." Rick scoffed and said "she's mad? For what?" "Talk to her about it." I retorted. Rick made an exasperated sound and Jonathan said "what did you do to Angel?" "I didn't do anything!" "Hmm, that's not what she said." Francisco said. "Where is she?" Rick looked at me. "She's with Evie." He then left the room, his footsteps slightly booming. "Rick, don't upset her any further! She can be scary when she's angry! And when she's sad, it's heartbreaking!" Jonathan warned as the much taller man walked down the halls. Troy examined me for injuries which I told him I was fine. Jonathan put his hands in his pockets and said "so, what'd Rick to to Angel? Did he really upset her?" "It's nothing too serious. He made a dumb comment. Her feelings got hurt." Jonathan's face turned into a frown. "She's too sweet to have her feelings hurt." Francisco patted his back and said "she'll get over it. Trust me."

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