Chapter 11

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"Come in

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"Come in." said Gilgamesh who watched as the door opened to reveal a light blonde male with blue eyes.

"Hello, Gil." Softly said Adam, as he closed the door. His eyes remained on the golden women who was wrapped in a robe. His gaze wondered to the bed as he realised that the Sea God was still there and annoyance raged with him.

"Mongrel, don't concern yourself about him." Gilgamesh said, as she sipped the wine and nodded to the couch for him to sit.

Adam went to sit on the couch as he stared into her crimson eyes. "How is he?" Questioned Adam.

Gilgamesh stopped sipping her wine as she momentarily was lost in her thoughts. "Nungal, is fine, I will bring him here to watch the battles." She said staring into the fireplace.

Silence was left throughout the room. "You did a great job protecting him when I left for the journey, and followed my words to bring him to my mother." Said Gilgamesh.

"Of course, I would do anything to protect Nungal even against the Gods, he is our son, a reminder of what we have." Said Adam, his heart filled with love at the rememberance of the past.

"Mongrel, does your wife know?" Questioned Gilgamesh, who had not cared for the woman but at what harm could a jealous woman bring to Nungal, her thoughts went to the annoying goddess who got jealous easily.

"Eve knows, she doesn't mind but I think she has a crush on you now." Said Adam, not minding this fact because he remembered Gilgamesh didn't care for anyone's gender as long as they could catch her eyes for a moment.

Gilgamesh sat quietly as her gate opened revealing a card in her hand before giving it to Adam and telling him to leave her chambers. As she layed on the couch, she heard Adam leaving and closed her eyes letting the darkness take her to her dreams.

Adam stood still in front of the doors as his hand went to open the photograph, there his son stood in the age of 5 with other children from Chaldea. A smile appeared on his face as tears appeared from happiness and longing to reunite with him. Adam went to his room holding onto the photo tightly.

Past (During Quest for Immortality)

Gilgamesh walked through a jungle, weaving around trees. Her face solemn as she continued on her adventure, it had been a few months since the journey had started, but she was sure Siduri was doing well with her father to take care of the her Kingdom.

It was summer during this season, the heat was unbearable for Gilgamesh who had to keep using cooling spells that she had found with one of her tablets. Taking rest on a rock, she sipped water and as she closed her eyes for a moment she could feel a powerful signal coming from ahead of her.

She focused to feel the power, before quickly realising it was the work of one of the Gods, but wondered why a God would be in the human realm as they didn't like mortals.

Finished resting, she decided to see if it was worth her time. As Gilgamesh walked closer, she came to a golden gate. Walking closer, the gates opened, she could feel the godly presence of a God creating this land in her garden. Focusing, she decided to enter to search and kill the Gods for entering her garden without permission.

Silence was all she felt as nothing hostile came to her, making her guarded. As she walked through many flowers and bushes, she started to hear someone or something moving closer. Opening her gate appeared a golden sword which she pointed at the figure that revealed itself.

Both stared into each other eyes, one curious and the other coldly.

"Mongrel, who are you and what are you doing in this insects place who dared to enter my gardens." Said Gilgamesh, putting her weapon away sensing no godly presence from him.

"My name is Adam, not mongrel, this place is my home." Replied Adam, eyes taking in the figure in front of him as he had never seen a person like him before. "Did God make you too?".

"Pfft HAHAHAHA, you are amusing mongrel, I am King Gilgamesh of Uruk, daughter of the Goddess Ninsun And King Lugalbanda." Laughed Gilgamesh as she introduced herself. 

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