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"Oi! I thought you'll bring the chapter three here?! Where the fuck are you?!" His editor is on the other line. He's probably pissed because Sero said he'll be giving the third chapter of the book now, but he can't. His mind froze. He's still afraid someone might know that he's the one writing that book.

"Yeah yeah. Sorry about that." He hunged up, not waiting for the other to talk. He's tired. He made a guy dislike him, his mind froze, and his hand aches writing for nothing. He still can't finish it.

He walks on the familiar mall and looks up. Maybe the god will give him signs. There's no god signs, but there's a sign that catch his attention.

It was a billboard sign. Bigger than every sign he has taken his eyes. it was huge. Considering it was taken four floor's windows, and eating up the whole width of the mall.

But the size is not the one that made him gaze to it. The person in it is the reason. He's really not sure if it's the same person but he's sure they have the same scar. How it was reddish and how it was in the left side. The name Todoroki Shoto is also in the sign. The name people are screaming as if it was a god's name or whatsoever.

Todoroki Shoto hmm? He just needs to give back the book, and see the expression if it's really him or not.

He saw a small chalkboard on the side of the mall so he goes in it. He saw that the guy on the billboard sign is inside doing his own photoshoot. To meet him, you need to buy a ticket.

"Seriously? I just need to return this book to him?" Sero is indeed pissed. The receptionist says that he can just leave it there and they will be the one giving it to Todoroki. But Sero wants to see if it's him he's been seing so he refuse.

In the end he still bought a ticket, emptying a half of his wallet. 'Damn. Didn't know he's this big. Paying much means he's really something.' Sero sighed. He miss his money already, he should bought something on that money earlier. But if he did, he might not see this man.

He was on the line. The guard tearing off tickets and letting people in. He doesn't know if he can see his ticket be teared infront of him. He bought it with his own money, he doesn't want it to go wasted.

But it's late. The ticket was torn apart, and he was now standing near the stage. They are taking on the theater and he saw the guy. Todoroki Shoto standing as if it's usual. Posing like it's just natural.

'Dang. Didn't know he'll be this hot.' Sero widen his eyes. He was shock about what he is thinking. Him? Thinking another guy is hot? To be honest he's not mad about gays. But he's been confused about his gender since his junior. He doesn't have a crush, he don't think people interesting that much, and always drowns in books and arts.

But now. He find a human hot, and somehow interesting. He wants to know why he has a scar on his face, and why does it add on his attractive features.

Then an image suddenly flash into his mind. It made his heartbeat skip a beat, made his cheeks reddened and made a smile grew into his face.

He was in fantasy while waiting for the photoshoot to end. But it didn't end that easily. They took few hours and Sero is already sleepy. No. He's already sleeping waiting and waiting.

He was waken when someone poke him. It was poking his cheek and he's also hearing some whispers.

He opened his eyes and close it shut again, trying to adjust from the light. As he re-open them again. He saw him. The guy of his dreams, sitting beside him, totally unfazed.

"T-Todoroki Kun. He's a fan-" The girl from his back was cut off by him.

"Then?" Todoroki asks. And Sero almost passed out because of his voice. But he pulled out together and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I.. I'm sorry for sleeping here in the theater, I'm just here to return a thing." Sero starts. He opened the bag infront of him and gave it to Todoroki.

There he saw a glimpse of surprised and joy. He also saw a smile trying to crept in his lips.

"Please leave us alone." Todoroki asks. The girl open his mouth but shutted it again before obeying.

"Thank you so much. For returning this to me. I really appreciate your thoughfulness." Sero smiled. This time it was big, showing his flat teeth. He's now hundred percent sure that this guy and that guy is the same. The words are exactly the same.

"I didn't know you are a model. Kind of hard having many fans around." Sero stares at his face, especially on his scar.

"I thought you're just wearing all black and mask because of the scar you had, turn out you're actually hiding from your fans." Sero added. His eyes didn't leave the scar and it made Todoroki anxious.

Todoroki's hand reach over his left and covers his scar. Sero was taken aback by that. He didn't know Todoroki would be anxious so he bowed again.

"I'm really sorry if I am making you uncomfortable. I should take my leave now. I am just here to return the book. I really apologize causing trouble for you." Sero was about to turn around when Todoroki caught his hands.

As he turn around he see Todoroki standing infront of him. Emotions on his face is unreadable and Sero doesn't have any idea what's been running on his mind.

"I'll tell you about my scar. Don't leave yet." It was like a demand rather than a request. But Sero is not complaining. He's more willing than being obligated.

They sat down again, and the drowsiness Sero felt earlier, was gone. It was gone just by talking with the man infront of him.

"I got it when I was five. My mother accidentally splashed a hot water in my eye that caused a burn in my skin." He stated still wearing the uninterested expression.

"Oh. That sucks." Sero looks beside him where Todoroki seated. And he saw nothing. There's no expressions, unreadable.

"Does it hurt?" Sero doesn't know what he's doing but his hand suddenly got up on their own, and his mouth starts talking on it's own. His mind starts to panic as with his heart.

"Yes it is. When the hot liquid touches-" Todoroki stops as he was caught off guard when a warm hand touches his skin. It slides through his cheek and rested on his cheekbone. As he looks towards the man beside him, he was already leaning and Todoroki can only closed his eyes.

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