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"Are you sure you'll go?" Sero asks at Todoroki. He lifts his arm and wipe the hair that falls into Todoroki's face.

"Yeah." Todoroki just closed his eyes and melt into his touch.

"But you're sick?" Sero caress his cheeks after.

Sero woke up in a lovely sight. Todoroki beside him. It's not because he's naked but that's just another add ons.

"I can still stand up." Todoroki said before sitting up. He hiss in pain after.

"Don't force yourself Todoroki. I'm really sorry I think I overdid it last night." Sero massages his forehead. He shouldn't have done that. It wasn't supposed to happen.

"I liked it anyway." Todoroki averted his gaze and look everywhere with a tint of red in his cheeks.

The statement made Sero smile. Atleast he wouldn't go and regret everything he had done with him.

"You'll stop over by your house first right? Before going on your fanmeet?" Sero asks him. Todoroki just nodded and tried to stand up. He almost fell so Sero catch him and helped him to take a shower.

Sero can swear that he's in hell. It's so hot and the fanmeet isn't even starting yet. There's too many fans wanting to see him and tried to talk to him and it sucks because Sero also wanted to do that.

They heard a car engine outside and that's the hint that Todoroki is already in there.

There's some news reporter and some students inside the event. Sero is glad there's bodyguards guarding Todoroki. Then he saw the guy he met a few days ago. The guy that's in the building.

Sero just smile and can feel the nervousness run through his veins. He's scared if he did something wrong, the guy would just punch him in the face.

The event starts with Todoroki sitting in a huge table. Maybe it was for the gifts.

"Oh my god. Todoroki is so cute! Wearing a cat shades." Sero's jaw dropped when he heard that. He excuses himself and saw Todoroki wearing the cat shades they bought a few days ago.

"Todoroki-kun. May I ask how did you get that cute shades of yours?" The interviewer asks Todoroki.

Sero is just watching Todoroki and he's amaze how Todoroki can be so calm despite the overcrowd.

"I got it as a gift." Todoroki bluntly said. He doesn't even know that Sero is watching him and turns into a blushing mess when he said those.
"Who gave them to you?" Sero almost rush outside when the interviewer ask that. Sometimes the reporters tend to over ask. They're stepping into his personal life.

"My boyfriend." This time. Sero wish he just evaporates. He thought Todoroki wouldn't say that because it's embarrassing, but turns out that he's this bold.

Sero sits straight and watch Todoroki again. When he watch the calm face of Todoroki, he regretted thinking those. Right. Todoroki is not the type who'll be embarrassed about the one they like.

Because of the thought, Sero's heart calms down. It was warmer than he thought.

The crowd got silence because of the news. But after that, questions flooded Todoroki and he seems like he would not answer those.

It was giving gift time. People lining up and sitting on the front chair giving Todoroki's gift. But it was like a challenge.

"Try to make Todoroki show expressions." Sero heard the group of fans near him talked. It was like betting and seeing if they can make Todoroki show them an expression.

All the hours in the event, Todoroki was expressionless. Even saying thank you is bold yet he doesn't smile. There's no blush tinted his cheeks and there's no even surprise in his eyes.

He can clearly see everyone bought either an expensive gift, or an custom made gift. Sero only brought his book. The newest book he had published. The book about the noble and traveler.

It's not yet publish on the official shops and yet Sero asks Bakugou if he can make him one. Bakugou obeyed and make him one. Literally one.

So he's here to give him that.

The line is getting shorter and shorter and five more people before Sero's turn.

"Thank you very much." Or "Thank you so much." Is what Sero always hear come from Todoroki's mouth.

"Next." That's his cue to sit infront of him.

He scratch his nape before looking down. He didn't see the surprise in Todoroki's eyes, and how a blush tinted on his cheeks, and how a small smile crept into his face.

That made the crowd gasps and whispers rings into the hall.

"Here. It's a book." Sero lifts his face up and was surprised when Todoroki is smiling from ear to ear at him. He saw how Todoroki's mouth move into 'wow' word and hugged the book.

"That's the new publish. I got it from my editor. I-I hope you like it." Sero was blushing when he looks away.

"I love it. Thank you so much Hanta." Sero look up and saw Todoroki blushing and hugging the book with his cat shades still on.

"Yes yes." He stands up and smile at Todoroki before leaving the chair.

He went back to his seat and waited for it to finish.

Time's passed and he didn't thought he'll be asleep again while waiting for Todoroki to finish. But when he opened his eyes, it's still not over yet.

He was glad tho. It'll be embarrassing when he slept and no one's already there.

It only took a few minutes before it finally finished.

Sero was already outside waiting for the model. The people is either calling for a cab, or starting to walk on their own. Some have their own car and Sero forgot buying his own.

"Hey." Todoroki called him and Sero just can say, "wow." Todoroki let out a giggle and stands infront of him.

"You okay about them asking about us?" Sero asks. He notice Todoroki is staring intently at him and he doesn't know what to do.

"Are you oka-" Sero was cut off when Todoroki grabs his collar and sunk his lips into him. Sero is surprised and tried to look everywhere if there's someone watching them.

But Todoroki holds his cheeks and made him stay still. Sero just shrugged the worriness and grabs Todoroki's waist. The only thing in his mind is 'I don't care'.

They stayed in there for a minute before Todoroki pulled away. They are both a blushing mess and a laugh escape their lips again.

"Please be my boyfriend." Todoroki demand rather than requests. Tho Sero is used to it already. There's no way he can say no.

"Yes. I'll be your boyfriend." Sero said before kissing the scar his beloved own.


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