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Sero took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He was infront of a huge building. It was the company who's been handling Todoroki. He's been trying to calm himself down before entering the building.

It was huge. So goddamn huge. Yet he's not surprise because it was Endeavor Company. A clothing company and he doesn't wonder why they take Shoto in them. He's hot anyway.

"Hi. How may I help you?" A girl with a brown hair stood in the reception area.

Sero froze. How will he say that he wants to see Todoroki? How will he say that he wants to take Todoroki out? That he has some business regarding to the model.

It's like his soul left his body. Adding the guy on the back of the girl with a tall and huge body. He might die if he said something wrong.

"Uh.. I wanna g-give this to Todoroki S-Shoto. C-can I?" He swallowed a lump in his throat and can't avoid the fact that he stuttered.

"Hahaha don't worry. There's so many people who left a gift for the model. You're fine." She took the flowers and Sero lets out a relieve sigh.

"Do you have anything more?" She asks and Sero shook his head. He doesn't have anything to give more. He hopes Todoroki would love the flower.

"Hmmm. There's no card in here. Are you sure you want to give it to him without a name?" Ah right. He was supposed to give it in personal, but he also know he can't just go inside with a flower in his hand and pass all the security. That would be ridiculous because no one even know Todoroki knows him.

"Ah yes. I would love to borrow a pen an paper please." Sero smiled and somehow calmer than earlier. But he's still nervous because the guy is not leaving on the girl's side.

He wrote a little message and wrote his name "Hanta" under. There was a small smile crepting into his face and he didn't notice the girl's gaze in him.

"You seems interested in him. You gay?" Sero lifts his head up and see the girl leaning into him.

What a wierd question. "I.. I am." Even though Sero is not really sure. There's no way he can tell he's straight anymore. Todoroki Shoto is the only one who can decide his sexuality.

"Hmm. I hope you'll have a great day! Take care!" He hears the girl wave her goodbye before Sero finally left the building.

There's no way Todoroki would take his flowers. As the girl said, there's many person who sent gifts for him. He might just think it was some from fans.

He's not wrong tho. Sero is a huge fan since they met. Not the kind of fan that attend every fanmeet he had, not the kind of fan who'll send expensive gifts. He's just a fan who admires how he was so expressionless almost all the time and how he's so blunt in his words.
He's not the type of fan who doesn't even know the real Todoroki Shoto.

"One Americano please." Sero said while standing on the counter. The usual place, usual coffee, and the usial staff who greets him.

"Right away sir! Please wait at your desire table sir." Midoriya said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

The aroma of coffee didn't leave Sero's nose and the peaceful atmosphere stayed. It was normal. Too normal for Sero.

He sits in his usual place and let his mind wanders while he watch the scenery outside. He's waiting for his coffee when his phone vibrated.

These past few days, he forgot he even had a phone. He usually don't bring his phone because the one who always calls him is either his editor who shouts at him, and Kaminari who always annoys him.

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