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"So what it is you really want? We've been walking at the mall for a few hours already." Sero asks. They went to the mall because he thought Todoroki might want to buy something.

"You told me it's a date. I thought you'll bring me to something nice." Todoroki wanders his eyes and doesn't realize that the man beside him is a complete mess. He's sweating nervously since earlier and a blushing mess. He swear he can replace the tomato for being red.

"Oh right. I might know some places. But I'm not sure if you'll like them." Sero clench his fist fighting the urge to hold Todoroki's hands.

"Just take me there." They turn around and starts walking. Nearby, Sero takes him to a cafe-library. It was small, unlike the cafe Sero have been staying. But there's a secret lying in there.

"Yah Seroooo!!! You came to visit?!" A pink haired woman run to them and grabs Sero's hand. It's his friend he met on college and they're still in contact.

"Yeah. Kind of." He scratch his nape being embarrassed about it.

"Oh you have someone here." Mina lets go of his hand and now turns towards Todoroki. But before she holds Todoroki's hands, Sero already hide Todoroki in his back.

"What are you doing?" Both Mina and Todoroki asks. He doesn't want to expose the guy to a crowd he's just running off to.

"Can you just please show us the library?" Sero sweats. He don't want to cause any more trouble to the guy.

"Yeah yeah sure. Possesive much." She laughs before walking pass the counter. She waves to the other staff and they just nodded. Sero knows everyone who works here. Shoji and Ojiro is the one on the counter and he's sure that Jiro would be on the kitchen.

They walk in the door and Sero just looks at the expression Todoroki is making. He sure is shock, and quite impressed. It was his first time to see a huge library inside a cafe.

"You know I don't really use this much right? I'm not into reading. It's Hagakure who loves to read. When people ask for books, we serve it to them. We don't let anyone near here."

That's why the cafe looks very small. The library inside it is eating too much space.

"But you're a close friend. So I'd let you in." Mina said still eager to know who's Sero with.

"I'm afraid I made a little commotion earlier. I apologize for that." Todoroki talks under his mask. Mina just wave his hand and said, "No no. It's fine. You're fine. Who are you anyway?"

Todoroki took of his mask, his shade, and his cap. Revealing his half colored hair and a scar on his face.

Just the sight of him almost made Mina faint. A supermodel is inside her poor cafe. Wandering unknown and even had a chance to talk to him.

"Wow. Really. May I just borrow my friend for a minute? Mr. Todoroki?" Mina's eyes squints as she pulls Sero not even waiting for Todoroki to response. He starts to wanders on a big room and Sero and Mina went on the corner, avoiding the chance for him to hear what they are talking.

"Are you out of your mind? That's Todoroki Shoto! A supermodel. If you didn't stop me earlier, I might bring a huge trouble to him!" Mina wipes the sweat in her forehead with the back of her palm. "I might die!"

"Stop overreacting Mina. He's fine now. I just..." Sero stopped for a moment and watch Todoroki looks at the books in the shelf. "I just want him to be happy."

His gaze turn back to a mocking Mina. "Wow. Whipped." She said while her expression is calm. As if not surprised.

"His face tends to be expressionless. So far as it, I want to see every expression he'll make. May it be now, or soon." Sero stated, looking at his sneakers. He sure feels his cheeks heaten but imagining Todoroki smile, it will be a huge impact to him.

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