Mysterious Girl

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I composed myself for what may lead behind the door. I opened the door with the edge of my jumper and pushed it open slowly but surely.
"What can I do for you today? " the headteacher asked.
" just some paper please" I replied.
"Is that all"? She asked.
"Ok well next make sure you go to the main office instead Jessica".
I took the paper and walked down to the library. The old lady that manages the computers wasn't there so I casually took a look on the computer. There was a file titled Gleem. I double clicked it but it was locked, there wasn't a chance I could get in to it. I typed Jessica Gleem in, and it entered the page. An image of my mother popped up on the screen, I slid my phone out of my pocket and took a picture. She started to move, it was a video. She was in a hotel conference, and was writing down something on an envelope. I clicked off because it was obviously nothing.
I grabbed my stuff and headed to my form room and showed the picture to Mia who was simultaneously playing with her curls.
"And this is meant to mean what"? she asked.
"Well why are school protecting it, it had a passcode Mia. Does that not make you the least suspicious"?
"No not really" she replied, "now come on we need to go for that makeover".
" I can't, I'm going back down to the library because there was another two videos. We can always do it another time anyway".
I clicked on the other document. My jaw dropped at the screen. This time it was my dad, in his office. A man stood at the side of him with a gun to his head. I turned the screen off not able to watch anymore as a tear slowly rolled down my cheek. I clicked on the other document; it was a picture of me at school. I took a picture and ran out of the room. My heart pumped out of my chest as I ran down the street to my dads house. I ran into my room even though I was the only one in the house. I sat for a while staring at my phone, thinking about everything.

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