CHAPTER 3 (i think)

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I followed the smell subconsciously. It smelt so good and my alpha was going crazy. I've never felt this before. I was being led to the ice cream isle. Why here? Was there a new ice cream flavor my alpha was going crazy about? I don't think so? lol Was this my mate? Every alpha has a mate. The omegas won't know who there mate is until they are confronted about it. Only the Dominant will. Good. I'm dominant. It's really really REALLY rare to find your mate. Rare to the point where only 19.9% of the population have found there mate. 'MATE MATE MATE MATE MATE' my alpha chanted. I want to see her. Is she pretty? Is she kind. I need her. I rounded the corner. Was I seeing right? That's not a girl. Alteast it doesn't look like it. Impossible it can't be a male? But I can't help but fall in a loving gaze for this person. They have such capturing blue eyes. Some of the best and softest looking black hair I have seen. Such a feminine and lean body. I got down to there ass and oh my. I wanted it. My eyes moved to his neck. Oh his so pale and perfect neck. I wanted to mark him. Take him then and there. My alpha was going feral and chanting words I haven't heard. My canines are sharpening awaiting for me to take this perfect person. There scent is intoxicating. I wanted to take them then and there. But I couldn't. They don't know I'm there mate nor do they know I'm there. I would scare them and seem like a rapist. I didn't want to scare my mate.

I watched as there eyes scanned the ice cream looking for what flavor he should chose. He chose mint chocolate chip and sherbet. I wouldn't mind watching this person eat it. Wait what am I thinking? Never mind that. He started walking away and I couldn't help but follow him.

He has just finished paying for there groceries. My eyes follow there every move. It's certainly a boy. He has no womanly parts or a face. But that makes him more perfect somehow. Am I gay? What will the others think about my mate? What will they think about me?

I followed him out. He's walking with all that home? A omega walking with that all alone home? Not by me.

I approached him and grabbed his shoulder startling him.

Ricky POV:

"EEP!" I screeched at the sudden feeling of being grabbed by the shoulder. I quickly punched who ever it is out of reflex. I turned to see what it was. I saw a really really tall man holding his nose in pain. He had a slender build and muscles in the right places. Beautiful green eyes that could easily be lost in. Like in a sea, being caught up in a current. Swallowed into it. He was wearing a short sleeved black shirt hugging his muscles. Jeans that hugged his leg muscle to. And a black mask over his mouth and nose. I won't question it. He groaned and peeked at me threw his one open eye "IM SO SORRY THAT WAS OUT OF REFLEX!" I screeched "are you.. ok?" I cheekily asked him. He fully opened his eyes and his gaze loomed me. He straightened his stand and once again looked at me. Studied me. His eyes fell on mine. "That's a strong punch for a- never mind. I'm fine. Do you need help with those?" He asked while looking at the groceries I held. He easily won in height. I was about 5'11 and him being, from what I could see, 6'4. I glanced at the groceries I held and back at him. "Erm, no thanks.. but are you sure your ok because that was a really hard punch?" I asked while looking at him worldly. He seemed to of been peering into my soul because his gaze got deeper, if that was possible. "Ive been through way worse. And yes that was a nasty punch. Where'd you learn to punch like that?" Me being the male omega that could get kidnaped by this guy, told him nothing about myself so I responded with- "I guess I'm a natural? Well again I'm sorry for punching you like that. I should get going before it gets late. Bye?.." I said while slowly walking away.

Alex PIV:
I am following him.

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