Chapter 11.

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Ricky POV:

I could barely sleep at all last night. My mind couldn't get off of Mr. Hikes. I hated how he looked at me but I loved it.

I hate how I love it. I have never felt like this and I could already tell none of my friends like him for some reason.

Yesterday during class Gia looked out of character. She was zoning out? She never does that. She looked back up at Mr.Hikes and I swear I never saw anyone so scared. Or even mad.

Gia is never scared and when she's mad she owns it like a boss. I want to know what's up with her but she never opens up to anyone accept Adrianna. I'll ask Adrianna for help then.

Text: (A= Adrianna.    R=Ricky.)

R- you up?

It's currently Thursday. 6:30AM. Adrianna is always awake somehow. She probably never sleeps.

A- I'm always up 😒
A- wat u want

R- Has Gia said anything to u?

A- no..
A- y did something happen?

R- Ya. Yesterday in the middle of Eighth period she looked up at our need teacher and I swear she saw a zombie.
R- I've never seen her look so mad and scared. Like she looked like on the verge of panic.
R- MayB u can check it out later?

A- Srsly?!
A- alr depending on what it is I might tell you. She isn't very open to people.
A- Thx for telling me this
A- I'll C U in class or smthing

R- Alr bye

A- bye.

End of text.

Now that I got that done with , for now , I headed down to get a protein bar. I was the first one down there.

I sat on the couch waiting for Lion. He came out and plopped down on my lap. His chest resting on my legs. His legs dangling off the arm chair and his face smushed into the couch.

"Mphgghjks" he said. "Uhm- are you ok?" I asked. He didn't respond so I slapped him back really hard. He jolted up. "AAAHG" he cried while glaring at me and rubbing his back.

"What got in your pants?" I asked rolling my eyes at him. "You not doing my homework." He said. There was a moment of silence. He suddenly blushed really hard.

I then realized the position we were in. I was sitting with my back slightly arched because of my backpack behind me. He was straddling me. His thighs on each side of mine with his legs bent. Hand on his knees. Our faces slightly apart.

I blushed out of embarrassment and pushed him off. He landed on the rug on his back. "Idiot." I said embarrassed walking out of the door.

He got up and ran to me. We were now outside walking to school. When he caught up he slapped my back and chuckled awkwardly. "You didn't have to react like that!" He said rolling his eyes.

"How was I supposed to react then!?" I said glaring at him. "I-" we were interrupted by a random rock being chucked very harshly into Lions face.

It was so fast I didn't even see it pass my face. It was smaller then my palm but it must of hurt. The impact was so hard he fell on his butt. "WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled rubbing his face.

I looked in the direction it came from and saw nothing. I looked back at Lion and crouched to eye level. I took his hand off and examined were the rock had hit him.

It left a big red rash. "Dayum! Uh we should get to school and bring you to the nurse!? That looks nasty." I said. I wonder who threw that. Probably a professional baseball player.

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