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Alex POV:
Yes I am currently following him. How could I not he is my mate. The sun is putting the perfect effect on him. His blue eyes shimmering mixing with the dark orange sunlight smiling on his perfect pale skin. His black hair slowly and smoothly blowing in the soft wind. He is able to carry the groceries. He works out? Good. His paste in walking hasn't changed meaning he isn't tired. He has long stamina. Good. He has walked about 2-3 blocks away from our encounter. I followed him on foot because even a idiot can see when there being followed by a car. I made sure my hood was up and I was hidden from his view completely. Meaning I am lurking from the shadows like the creep I am. But only for this man. Or kid. He looks young. Like a teenager. Call me weird, murderer, stalker, whatever else. I don't care. As long as my mate is comfortable. I followed him all the way home. He graciously walked up to his door and unlocked it with one hand. All of his other groceries stuffed in the other hand. He slid through the door. That's the last thing I saw before the door shut. I will be sure to set up some camera's in his room later. I want to make sure my omega is ok. Especially since he is a male omega some how. If anyone messes with my kitten I will be sure to let them know they are also messing with the biggest mafia boss in the city. Possibly one of the biggest bosses in the country. But who's counting?

After Alex has left he made sure to get his address so he could plant some.. security. Ya. He had head back to a really really secured private area where his house is after actually getting his groceries. His friends where also some misfit makers like himself but he comes at the top. They work for him as some of his best assassins and fighters. They where a trio (group of 3.) It was himself, Cobie, (KO-BEE) and Cabe (KAY-B). They had been childhood friends since the beginning. There parents where friends and met during a association they where ordered to do together. After they all had inherited there parents 'business' they has more of a reason to stick together and become best buds. They where in his house waiting after he had arrived almost 1 hour and 30 minutes late. They thought something happened to him but Alex has explained his mate. Not yet the part where his mate is a male yet.

"YOU FOUND YOUR MATE!?" Cabe literally screamed like never before. "Yes-" Alex was about to tell them how his mate was also in-fact a male but was interrupted for what seemed like the hundredth time. "WAS SHE HOT!?" "WAS SHE A BRAT" "SHE ACTUALLY GAVE YOU A BLOODY NOSE!?" "DID SHE SOUND SNOTTY!?" "WAS SHE RICH?!" "YOU GATTA SHOW HER TO US!" They asked at the same time clearly aggravating Alex. "SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK!" Cabe and Cobie being Alex's closest fiends weren't intimidated by his yelling. Only when he got serious like in a life or death situation or in drama drama. They just laughed and let him speak. "Before I say anything I want you guys to know that I had no control over this and it's how I really feel. You have been my friends for a while so I hope you understand.." Cabe and Cobie raised a brow at this. "My mate is special. Special as I never thought this was true. My mate is a guy." Alex said the last part bluntly studying his friends for a reaction. Witch he didn't get. At all. Cabe and Cobie where shocked. No. SHOKED, SURPRISED TO WHERE THEY COULDN'T SPEAK. They wanted to. They had so many questions they wanted to ask but could speak. Cobie was the first one to break the silence. "How.. how is that possible?" "I know I was shocked to.." Alex responded. "So.. what do you guys think. Would it be weird for me to date another.. guy?" Alex finished off. "No.. no. But- a guy? How? I- is- this is so weird. But so COOL! WE GET ANOTHER BRO!"  "Wait I'm pretty sure male omegas can get pregnant right?" Cabe asked. "Ya it is I remember reading it."


After that shocker they continued there bro night like nothing happened. But they all has their minds on something.

Cabe POV:

'Dam I lost the bet. Now I owe Cobie 55$. I can't believe Alex found his fucking mate before me. I'll win NEXT TIME!'

Cobie POV:

'HAH I WON! I GET 55$ FROM CABE! but still, a guy? Wow never thought sales would be gay?'

Alex POV:

My alpha can't stop screaming at me to go to my mate and claim him. Since I now know who my mate is (kinda) and where he lives. But I have to wait for the perfect time..

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