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Before the story begins I want to say a few things
-the chapters are probably going to be longer from now on Therefore making updates take longer

-Thankyou for reading my story. I never thought it would get so many views

-#13 in MXB!! THATS TOP 20 EEEEE



Me and Lion met up by his locker and started heading to eighth period. "Rickkkky at home can you PLEASE help me with math!?" Lion begged. He has been begging me for the last 50 seconds. "No." I said glaring at him.

Whenever I 'help' him with this homework it always ends up me doing it completely while he plays Minecraft and looks for another girlfriend. He's so lazy it hurts.

We made it to the classroom door and saw a bunch omg girls huddled up by our door. Some of them are cheerleaders and some or others. They were all peaking through the window. Each time one of them did they would squeal and look away like there ex just flashed them. Then they would start gossiping about something.

"What the fuck-" I cut him off "watch it." He has a bad habit of cussing. He really needs to work on it so I have been keeping a eye on him. "But seriously what's going on anyway?" He asked me thinking I somehow have the answers to everything. Which I don't.

One of the girls close to us heard and turned around. "You don't know!?" She squealed. No duh or else I woulda said something. That's what I wanted to say but instead I said "no.? What's happening?" I asked raising a brow at her. "EEEK SOO apparently there's this new hot teacher. He's totally and alpha and girls have been all over him. I saw him and he looks so hot I thought I would melt!!" She screams.

She then turns back to the crowd trying to helplessly get to the front. How are we supposed to enter now?

PLZ READ— (I'm the last chapter I changed it to where Gia, Lion and Ricky have a eighth period together. Adrianna and Ricky have seventh together for those who didn't see!!!)

"Am I going or hate this..?" I asked my self mentally screaming. We are probably going to have to deal with this for a while according to what that girl just said. "yuP." Lion answered for me popping the 'P'.

The bell is about to ring helping file out some girls. Me and Lion take this opportunity and push through.

We get to the door and Lion opens it. The girls start screaming while trying to get in.  We got in and I slammed the door. "Sheesh.." I said sweating. Gia somehow makes it here faster then both me and Lion. So as expected we already saw her sitting next to our table.

We go over there to sit. "Have you guys heard!? Apparently there's a new teacher. And if you couldn't tell from outside!?" Gia said rolling her eyes. "Pfft of course we did. The girls are acting like Victoria's Secret just had there last sale ever." Me and Gia laughed at that. I sat at the end, Gia sat next to me and Lion sat at the table next to us. Lion is friends with his table partner so they talked to each other while me and Gia talked.

The bell rang and right after the door opened. Everyone went silent. I looked over at the door and saw him. Again. We made eye contact and his gaze pierced me.

His eyes look trained and sharp. It was like he was looking into me. A longing look that made me feel like air. Like I was walking through a empty dimension that was filled with water. I was drowning in his stare. What was 3 seconds felt like 5 days. Before he looked away his eyes turned into a beautiful dark red that mixed with his longing black eyes. Why did that feel how it did?

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