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Ricky's POV:
After that weird encounter with that weird but amazingly hot guy- you can't blame my gayness it's true- I got home and unpacked the groceries. Dad had arrived already so him and mom were working on dinner together. I was in my watching some Tiktok and binging on Host club. By the time dinner was done Lion was home. We are dinner in silence but not in a awkward silence. Once dinner was done we all went to do our own thing and went to bed.

3RD person POV:

Lion and Ricky got ready together and headed to school on foot. Again there school was close to them so they could walk (as their parents suggest). Little did they know that there was a wolf on there trail..

The two non biological siblings had arrived at school together. They walked through the high school doors. Of course, it being Monday and after the weekend, it's buzzing with excitement in the hallways. If you try to get through without joining in on the kayos, you will be trampled. So the logical thing to do is either wait outside or try and somehow manage to get through the storm of students. They had made it through! Well almost. Not before the jocks came..

"HEY BRO'S" a jock named Beret said before harshly shoving Ricky onto Lion. Beret was one of the jocks. The 'main jock's' best bro. He was a idiot and had a rude humor.

"Agh-" Ricky argued sitting on top of Lion. "We get your a faggot but don't try to show it freak." Ah yes. Mike (MY-K) The most popular, not only jock, but guy in the school. He assumes Ricky is gay because of how feminine Ricky looks. He also bullies him for it. He has the hottest girl and cheerleader as his girlfriend. Chelsie. (CHEL-SEE) She was latched onto Mike's arm laughing at Mike's 'joke'. "Mind your business Jocks. We don't want to deal with you today." Lion said impatiently as him and Ricky stood up together. "And what are you going to do about it punk!?" Mike said with a smirk. Beret, Chelsie, and some people passing laughed at this. Lion, loosing his patients, pushed Mike out of the way and dragged Ricky with him by the wrist. "Whoah, whoah, whoah? Where do you think your going.?" Beret said after harshly grabbing Ricky's other wrist and slammed him into a closed locker. Mike then took Ricky by his hair and threw him back at Lion. "Just so you know.. we aren't done. You meet me after school by the field or else I make it worse then hell for you here." Mike said demanding with his alpha tone. Lion and Ricky bowed there heads down respecting the alpha tone. Every unmated omega, beta, or lower rank alpha can't refuse to a alpha tone more powerful than there's. If they do it will cause enormous pain. And it's also self instinct that they do. Any mated person, yes even the lowest of omegas, won't fall under the trick of the alpha tone unless it's there mate. Even if there mate isn't a alpha it has more effect once mated.
Omegas, betas, and alphas all have a demanding tone they inherit from there beast. The higher rank you are the more it will work on people. If a low ranked omega uses it then it won't work. Not even on your mate. You have to be the dominant. People with just laugh in your face and call you weak.
After that 'Lovely' encounter, Lion and Rickey headed to there class together. They had first, fourth, sixth, and eighth period together. Coincidence? I think not. ~Just author being the author I am~

Alex POV:
I woke up extra early for my kitten! I woke up at 4am and headed to his house. After last night's encounter I walked around his house and found the window to his room.
I finally got to his house after about a hour drive. I climbed a tree leasing to his window. Luckily the blinds weren't closed so I had the perfect view. There he was. My kitten sprawled onto his bed shirtless. Peacefully sleeping. He looked stunning. I wanted to climb through his window and snuggle up to him. Spoon him and listen to his soft breathing. Watch his eyes slowly open when he woke up. Say hello by kissing him softly and snuggle more.
But I am stuck here. On a tree watching him sleep for a hour or two before he woke up and got ready for school. He walked out of the door with his, what I assume and hopefully is, brother. Once they got to school and walked through I left to go.. do some things that would bring me and my kitten closer. I wanted to yell a goodbye to him and kiss him a good luck at school but I couldn't. I have more matters to attend to witch will me more to Ricky


883 WORDS!

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