Chapter two

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Cayman was confused as to why Alison, his online friend, had not been answering his texts. He thought it was just that she was busy...

But that was twenty-eight days ago. Now he was actually worried about her. She'd always respond in a quick click.

As Cayman was about to message her, something strange popped up on Discord. He hadn't opened Discord ever; he was on Google Chat.

Weird, Cayman thought. The message this person sent was weird too.

Unknown Sen...: Hello, Cayman. How are you?

Cayman wasn't gonna answer but he felt a twig of temptation to. So he went for it. Damn, he hadn't been on Discord in so long. He didn't really want to see any predators anyway.

Cayman Y.: Hello? Who are you? It was the most simple question he'd ask, but he shrugged it off.

The texter responded right away.

Unknown Sen...: I'm just someone passing by. 😈 Do you know Alison?

Cayman felt a punch in the gut when they said his friend's name. My um, online friend?

Unknown Sen...: Yes, her.

Cayman Y.: Why?

Unknown Sen...: Ever wondered where she is, why she's not answering your texts? And it's not because she's busy, by the way.

Cayman hesitated. No, why? Well she hasn't been answering me in—

The unknown sender sent an image before Cayman could send out the message.

Cayman sat there, on his computer, shocked. He looked at the image sent to him by this strange person. He could see his friend, Alison, in a room. Although he couldn't tell if it were real or not so he asked.

Is this photoshopped?

Unknown Sen...: You tell me. 😈

The person sent a video to Cayman.

The boy was scared to open the message, to maybe see his friend in trouble. Or maybe the unknown person was faking this?

"No, no, no, no, no! This can't be real..." Cayman clicked on the video and saw, or heard, his friend crying in the room. She was choking on her own spit while. Tears flooded her face. He heard her whispering something, but couldn't make it out.

Cayman Y.: Where is she??

Unknown Sen...: ..

Cayman Y.: Let her go!

Unknown Sen...: I will if you'll come here and save her yourself.

Cayman Y.: Look, you better not hurt her, you son of a bastard!

Unknown Sen...: I will if you don't come for her on time.

Cayman couldn't take it anymore. He pounded his desk. He just couldn't...

Unknown Sen: Save her at Redwood Castle Street. If not on time, at 9pm tomorrow, like I said, I will stab her to death. And you don't want your friend dead, do you? 😈😈

The killer logged off, sending Cayman to be alone. He had to get to this 'Redwood' place in time before 9pm tomorrow. I think he could make it. He decided he needed some sleep and went to bed, crying.

The unknown person had one more thing to say to that boy;

Unknown Sen...: Oh, and good luck... Cayman. That girl's gonna need it 😈


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