Omake (ありがた迷惑): Unwelcomed Favor

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Arigata-Meiwaku (ありがた迷惑)
meaning: If someone does you a favour, but you find it unpleasant and rather annoying. It is usually used to describe someone's act (ex. cleaning your room, giving you advice, etc.) which they thought you would like, but in fact you didn't. But, out of common courtesy, you act grateful anyway.

The once exuberant dining hall now begins to empty

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The once exuberant dining hall now begins to empty. The night was full of merriment. Some people indulged in ale. Some indulged in lager's ranging in varieties of pale, amber or dark. You weren't sure what the occasion was, maybe it was someone's birthday. Nonetheless, the booze was free and that's all that mattered.

"Look at this place." You sigh.

There were empty glass bottles and cups everywhere. On the tables, on the chairs and even on the floor. No one cleans up after themselves, they continue to exit the room. The laughter and noise of the recruits and soldiers soon vanishes. You and Sasha sit alone.

The girl hiccups and she brings herself to a stand. She wobbles a bit before she catches her footing. Alcohol, she likely had one too many.

"Mmm, so warm." Sasha slaps her hands onto her face. She hiccups again and then she giggles, "You coming?"

The girl was probably going to head to bed, but you weren't ready to call it a night.

"Go without me."

She doesn't ask twice and she's out the door in the next second. It was just you and you continue to sit. You spin the empty beer bottle in front of you and you ponder about the other recruits. You think about how some wanted to join the Garrison and how some wanted to join the Military Police Brigade. You scoff internally. What a waste of time. These two divisions rarely ever saw Titans and they were known to be cowards that hide behind the walls while the Survey Corps risk their lives everyday beyond the wall of the human field. You were going to join the Survey Corps, that's a fact.

The bottle stops spinning. A man comes to the doorway but you don't see him. Your unwavering eyes snap out of your thoughts to the noise of bottles hitting each other. The room was so silent it made the glass clink loudly. You look up and there's a guy moving about in the room. He's standing several feet away and he's cleaning—everything. You watch him swipe a finger across a tabletop and his brows furrowed in aggravation. He clicks his tongue and curses under his breath. This filth, it was unacceptable to the man.

For a moment you thought about leaving but the insignia on his uniform catches your attention. Wings of Freedom, it's a symbol of the Survey Corps. You become excited. Maybe if you help the man clean the area you could slyly ask him for advice to increase your chances on getting accepted into said division.

You stand and you begin to grab the bottles off the table. You mosey over to the man, "Here, let me help you."

The dark-haired male looks up at you. He doesn't say anything and his eyes go back down to whatever he's doing. You ignore his unwelcoming expression.

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