Chapter 2-Ms. Mystic falls

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You and Rebekah have formed a great friendship so far, your good with her family and vice versa. Now your at school walking in.

You saw the sign on the bulletin board this morning, it was a Ms.Mystic Falls flier. You were thinking about asking Tyler to go with you, he'd probably say no which you were hoping he would because you just want some girl time with Rebekah. You both have become really close friends in the past two weeks.

You see Tyler as usual in front of your locker, Rebekah is beside you. You both walk up to him, he smiles at you and glares at her. She just glares back.

"So Tyler, do you want to be my escort to the Ms. Mystic Falls pageant? It's on Saturday." You ask hoping he would say no so you could ask anybody else.

"I guess but I can't do the dance I hurt my leg in football. But you can't dance with another guy" Tyler says fiercely.

"My moms leg hurt but she doesn't have to worry about that now. Get it cause I killed her." Rebekah says and I just shake my head laughing. "And of course y/n won't dance alone, she'll dance with me." Your surprised and so is Tyler.

"Is that okay with you Tyler." You ask, not caring what he thought.

"I don't care. You guys are just friends right?" Tyler asks narrowing his eyes playfully, you just roll your eyes.

"Ok well let's go pick out dresses later, I know the perfect store." Rebekah says.

Rebekah want to take you to New Orleans but hats 15 hours away so you take an airplane that only take 2 hours and we compelled the whole airport staff and everyone on the plane. We travelled first class and narrated the whole flight using the loudspeaker we compelled the captain to let us use. We land and vamp speed to the location, it's a nice old looking dress shop.

After trying on dresses for about 50 minutes. You find the perfect one.

"Wow y/n, that's gorgeous." Rebekah says looking it up and down.

The dress was  very light pink with patterned lace on the chest. Rebekah chose a yellow one similar but more frilly.

"Ready to go back to mystic falls?" You ask.

"Yes, a plane is leaving in 30 minutes, we have some time. Marcel and Davina are here we could visit them?" Rebekah asks.

"Sounds good." You say.


You arrive to Marcel and Davina.

"Hey Bekah. Sheesh, this must be the beautiful Tribrid I've heard so much about." Marcel says grinning.

"You were right."  You whispered to Rebekah, indicating that she was right about Marcel being a flirt. Marcel just taps his hears.

"Vampire hearing. Right about what?"

"You being a flirtatious slob." Rebekah says grinning at you.

He just rolls his eyes.


You had arrived back in mystic falls and were very tired. You went to bed early and were feeling sick. You threw up a dozen times and stayed in bed all day. You put friends on watched 2 episodes and then Damon and Stefan came in, Stefan had pillows and extra blankets, Damon had a tray that had two blood bags, bourbon, chicken noodle soup and crackers.

"Bourbon, seriously." You say rolling your eyes.

" I know bourbon is your favourite. Me and Stef are actually going to the grocery store now, want orange juice?" Damon asks patting you head.

"Yes, thanks. Bye Damon bye Stefan."

"See you soon y/n." Stefan and Damon both say.

For the rest of the day you just lay in bed and watch tv. Rebekah stopped by a couple times to check up on you and scold Damon for giving me bourbon. Before you knew it, it was Saturday.


Rebekah came at 7 am to get ready.

"You do know the pageant is in 5 hours?" You ask. She just rolls her eyes.

When it's twelve and your all ready, Tyler picks you both up and you drive to the pageant. After 30 minutes they start to get girls coming down. Rebekah asked mayor Bennett to announce Rebekah and you as one.

"Next up is y/n Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson who are each others escorts."

You start the dance and everyone is having a great time, they announce the winners.

"In 3rd place is Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore, in 2nd place is Caroline Forbes and Stefan Salvatore, and finally in third place... jeez lots of Salvatore's, y/n Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson! Congratulations everyone." The mayor said.

After a couple drinks you hug Tyler goodbye and you and Rebekah ride with Damon and Stefan.

When you get back you say to Rebekah.

"I really had a great time tonight."

"Me too."

You both lean in at the same time and kiss for a good 2 minutes and then she leaves waving goodbye. You were shocked but also happy. This day turned out to be great.


A/n I hope you like this, I wrote this in an hour and you can tell. Im trying to work the families more into this, I'll make the Mikaelsons more in. Anyways byee.


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