Chapter 6-Unwelcome surprise

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You and Rebekah are sitting on the couch reading. You are reading 'A Promised Land' by Barack Obama, Rebekah is reading: 'Pretty Little Liars book 1' by Sara Shepard. You hear a knock on the door, both of you go the door and open it but nobody is there, you look down and see a box.

"What's this?" Rebekah asks.

"Does it look like I know?" You say smirking.

She runs up to you and picks you up bridal style, she takes you to her room, starts doing stuff and when your done you ask.

"What do you think is in it?" You ask.

"That's what your thinking about right now? I'm not sure..." she says jumping up and changing. You change too and you both run downstairs.

Klaus, Elijah, Stefan and Damon just got home and you grad the package. On the side it says:

"To Rebekah Mikaelson and y/n Salvatore." You read.

"Open it." Klaus encourages.

You start to open and then you smell something awful and faint. When you wake up everyone is huddled around you. You jump up enthusiastically but stumble a bit.

"Didya open it?" You ask.

"First of all no, we were waiting for you and second of all are you okay?!" Rebekah says hugging you.

"Yea I'm fine." You say and open it but when you do you scream. It was a pigs heart.

"Phesmatos incindi-" Elijah cuts you off.

"Wait! There's a note."

"Ok someone remove the heart,I vote Stefan because he's handled stuff like that before." You say grinning at Stefan. He just rolls his eyes and picks it up.

"Thank the lord that the note is in a plastic seal." Damon says trying to lighten the mood. You pick up the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear Rebekah and y/n,

This is a little gift from us, because you gave us the best one. I hope your gay life is terrible. We sent you this to show you what your heart looks like. You and pigs have lots in common. I heard you moved to New Orleans when we tried mailing it to the Salvatore boarding house, that's why it's a bit moldy. Anyways hope your doing awful, I'm doing great, hooked up with Elena last night, sorry Damon. I guess she doesn't like long distance but didn't want to tell you. Matt also hooked up with her. Same with Caroline but not with Elena because that's disgusting but with the two of us. Anyways byeeeee.

Tyler and Matt"

"Oh well, we hooked up with all the girls at whitmore like 3 times." Damon and Stefan say. Everybody just laughs and shrugs all this off.
Because this is nothing compared to what we have been through.

A/n: I know this one is short but that means that I'll post everyday. Sometimes they are long and take me days but then that means you won't be able to read it until then. Let me know: short or long.


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