Chapter 7-Trouble in the compound

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You wake up hearing Rebekah shriek. You vamp down stairs.

"Bekah what's wrong!? Are you ok-" you say. Then you see it, Elijah daggered on the ground with Klaus above him.

"Oh my god... Klaus? Did you do this to your brother?" You ask.

"Yes mother." He replies, all you do is roll your eyes and go to take out the dagger but you can't, it's like somebody is holding it down but you can't see.

"What have you done?! He's my best friend you sociopathic narcissistic backstabbing son of a bitch!!!!!!!" You scream.

"Calm down, I'm only joking. Davina is invisible holding it in. Pull it out now, go ahead." You try to pull it out but Davina is still holding it.

"Come on Davina, this isn't funny anymore." You say irritated.

"Invisique away D." You say getting angry.

"Invisique..." Davina says and appears beside you.

"Thank you." You say and try to remove the dagger but it's not coming out.

"How many witches do you have doing this?" You say about to throw him across the room.

"1, that was Davina...." Klaus says nervously.

"Well shit." You say throwing a chair across the room, you pretended the chair was Klaus honestly.


It's been 2 hours of asking witches and going through grimoires to see if anything can reverse it.

"There's nothing Nik." Rebekah says.

"No, no, no , no. Every spell has a loophole,I know it." You say pacing.

"Wait I've got it!" Davina says and starts chanting. Right now your holding Elijah's arm.

"Ok, try it now." Davina says hopeful.

"Ok..." you say pulling the dagger out of him.

"'Lijah!" You yell hugging him tight. Davina pricks her finger and he drinks a drop so his veins go away.

"Wait, did you hear that?" You hear a thud from basement and steps coming up.


A/n sorry cliff hanger!

Happily ever after- Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now