S1 Chapter 1 - Obelia's First Star's First Word

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The little Princess who could toddle stumbled into her Fathers office with the help of Felix who carried her most of the way from her room in the Garment Palace.

Felix stood outside of Claude's office and shut the door behind Athanasia.

Athanasia is now 2 years old. She hasn't spoken yet but she can clearly walk stunningly.

Everyone could clearly remember when Claude first saw 1 year old Athanasia trying to get off the play floor by herself and he stood up from his seat to go help her up. But instead Athy slowly, foot by foot toddled towards her father. Claude felt so happy and quickly caught his princess just before she kissed the floor.

"Oh Athanasia, come in." Claude noticed his sweet daughter come in with a blooming smile and he signalled her to come sit by his side.

Lately the princess has been signalling asking to go to her father day by day.

It basically has become a routine and Claude had placed an extremely comfy safe for 2 year olds chair next to his own.

Athanasia proudly walked towards her father and she placed her hands up, signalling that she wanted her father to place her on his lap.

Claude gladly did so and Athanasia stared at the paperwork on his desk.

Her eyes hurt from all the blurry words and she looked away.

Claude noticed and he made Athanasia face his bare chest away from his large stack.

(Athanasia that had been reincarnated had finally gotten used to her life with Claude in her earliest years and she's happy because she never had a father or parents in her past life and she was expecting that too in this life but something obviously changed.)

Athanasia wanted to make her father proud so she tried to speak. Her cheeks puffing up and turning red and Claude panicked.

"Athanasia?! What's wrong?! Do you have a fever?!" Claude panicked as he felt his child's face heat up and he picked her up, fast walking just past his desk until he heard, "-Pa!"

Claude paused and looked down at the 2 year old princess in his arms.


Claude paused, taking everything in.

"Papa!" Athanasia smiled brightly and Claude was attacked by her cuteness.

"I- I-," Claude was lost of words. His daughter's first word was Papa and he was extremely happy but had no idea how to respond.


Claude stared. Who was Athy?

"A pet name?" He asked his smiling daughter and she shook her head.

"Athy loves Papa!" Athanasia, who called herself Athy, waved her hands to show how big her love for Claude was.

Claude smiled and hugged his daughter tightly, "Yes, I'm your papa and you're my lovely princess Athy."

The two smiled at each other and Claude spun around with Athy giggling.

"Uhm, pardon me your majesty-." Felix stopped short of noticing the warm aura in the room turn cold and he stared into his Majesty's jewel eyes that hardened as it scanned Felix. "I-".

"Leave, Felix." Claude spoke with an icy tone that only Felix noticed out of the three people in the room."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Blessings and Glory upon the Sun and First Star of the Obelian Empire." Felix bowed and left the room in a hurry.

"Papa!" Claude's attention went back to his daughter and his gaze softened.

"Shall we have some Tea?"

"Hehe, yes Papa!"

To be Continued...Every Wednesday

591 Words

Published: 22/09/2021

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