S1 Chapter 16 - Meeting the Sole Heir

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It was awfully silent in the carriage

It wasn't awkward or anything but dead quiet.

I held my hands in my lap and stared outside from the small window.

Felix was seated beside me and Jennette was on the opposite side.

2 carriage men were outside so there were 5 of us in total.

From looking outside, I guess we are 5 minutes away from the Imperial City Town Square so we'll shortly be at Lady Htoi's.

I looked at Felix who had his arms and legs crossed and strangely it reminded me of Daddy and his 'pose'.

He was cold, quiet and unapproachable?

Normally, he's the type where he won't stop talking, is warm, friendly and approachable to be with.

Now, he's just the opposite of all those things.

Jennette, who seemed uncomfortable under Felix's star, squirmed slightly around the seat.

What has happened to Felix?

Why doesn't Felix seem comfortable or himself near Jennette?

It's not mentioned in 'Lovely Princess' that Felix was a royal guard to anyone other than Daddy.

It was never said that he's close to Jennette.

Has Felix always hated Jennette?

I don't think that's possible. After all she is the Lovely Princess, loved not just by the Empire but the whole Continent.

I sighed, "I haven't been outside for a long time."

Felix straightened up and gave me a warm smile. "That's right, Princess. As we go to Lady Htoi's, try to enjoy yourself as it is rare that His Majesty let's you go out."

I nodded at the warm knight.

I frowned at the now cold knight.

I was waving my legs back and forth since I can't really touch the ground of the carriage yet.

I looked over to Jennette who seemed to have a yearning, longing look.

Well, what does she want?-

"Your Highnesses, we've arrived." The carriage door was opened by one of the carriage men and Felix helped me get out.

Jennette was still waiting in the carriage for someone to help her out.

Since the Crimson Knight was stubborn like his bosom brother and the carriage man didn't think it was their duty.

I manned up and helped Jennette out.

"Thank you, Athy." She dusted her dress before giving me an exhausted smile.

Must be tired holding that 'lovely' act up?

"All good."

Felix, Jennette and I then made our way to the store.

The name of the store was smart.

Find Elegance in Hanyu

The Hanyu made it like 'you' so 'Find Elegance in You'.

The bell rang as the door opened and it was more busy than I thought it would be.

It was busy with nobles running around, fighting for certain pieces, males and females checking out embroidery on fabrics but where were the embroidery kits?

I know Lady Htoi was popular with nobles especially the Ladies because of her wonderful embroidery skills but it felt so full in the store.

Lady Htoi was nowhere to be found either.

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