S1 Chapter 18 - His Best Mate

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Lucas looked over to us and I gave a hidden disgusted look to him.

He gave a grin and wave before slightly moving his body away and a person I was not ready to face yet gave a happy wave.


Lucas and his companion soon made their way over.

"Blessings and Glory upon the Stars of the Obelian Empire." Lucas and his companion both pledged their hearts and gave a bow.

I could see that half of the girls were fawning over Lucas and the other half for his companion.

"Uhm, this is Lucas. The Royal Magician."

"I see that you are hosting a tea party here today, Your Highness."

"Err, he's also been my playmate since I was 7 so he's now a great friend of mine."

Lucas scoffed, "Friends? I'm best friends with you? Athy, my best mate is right over here." Lucas threw his arm around his best mate's shoulders.

The girls awed at the Royal magician's mate.

"Greetings, fair Ladies. I am Nicolas Hanyu, Sole Heir of the Hanyu Dukedom." Nicolas smiled and gave a bow to the girls.

Lucas laughed with his arm still around Nicolas's shoulders.

The boys had some conversations with each other and the girls.

Lucas seemed to genuinely enjoy Nicolas' company.

I don't know if I believe it.

From what I know, Lucas' only friend is me.

"How long have you two been friends?" I asked them, giving Lucas an eyeing look.

"Ever since I was forced to be your playmate, Princess. Though I chose Nico here to be my friend."

"I am honoured." Nicolas joked around with Lucas.

He was charming with charisma like his father.

The girls were all red, even Jennette was.

I can see that she might like Nicolas since the encounter at Lady Htoi's store but she keeps on giving looks and glances at Lucas.

She now likes 3 boys? Unbelievable.

"Are you Ladies having a wonderful time?" Nicolas asked as he gave Helena a flirtatious wink.

"Yes. We are having quite a wonderful time, Nicolas."

"Just call me, Nico, Princess." He hid his glare at me.

"Then call me, Athy, Nico." I hid my glare at him as well.

I then stared at Lucas, signalling 'GET OUT OF HERE!'

"...I beg your pardon, Ladies but I'm afraid Lord Nico and I have some business to do at the tower."

"Oh, yes. You're excused." I quickly rushed Lucas and Nico off.

I sighed.

He acts all polite in front of everyone else but you never know when he might turn into his horrible self, that Lucas.

"Oh my goodness! There was someone as handsome as Lucas working at the black tower?!"

"And Lord Nicolas! How charismatic was he?! They seem to be great friends."

"And a good looking pair too!"


Lucas, handsome?

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