S1 Chapter 5 - When the 'Gifts' started

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I tossed and turned around in bed...

I stared up at the starry ceiling above.

"How beautiful..."

Daddy installed some realistic glowing star ornaments on the ceiling ever since I told him I liked them.

So on my 13th birthday he gave them as a gift.

I was so grateful and awestruck for it just like all the other gifts I received on my birthdays but I was more happy about it.

Because it was something I sincerely liked and daddy got it because he knew I liked it and got it as a surprise gift.

I don't hate the gifts Claude gives me.

Just a few of them are to my liking and have strong interests.

He started giving me things I like since my 11th birthday.

The day before my 11th special day.

Claude and I had our usual tea time.

He gave me an early present, a lovely golden dress but he noticed my disappointed look on my face.

"Do you not like it?" Claude asked with a slight sad expression in his eyes with a frown on his lips.

"Ah-no! I like it! It's just not what I wanted..." I mumbled the last bit of my sentence.

"Not what you wanted?" He gave a confused look as I gave a surprised look at the same time.

"Don't girls your age like these things."

"Perhaps but not me." I stated as I drank my glass of milk because I wasn't allowed to drink tea yet since Claude wouldn't allow it till I was 14.

Claude gave a glare to Felix whom I assume gave the false information to Dad but he turned back at me and gave a slight smirk, "Then what do you like, Athanasia?"

I grinned, "Something not so girly, fancy or bright unless it's for a special day since I'm going to be 11 tomorrow."

"How so?"

"Something for my 11th birthday should be hand made. Something that a lot of effort has gone into from a commoner who is trying to make a living." I looked up from the table to Daddy who gave a slightly surprised expression.

"Quite specific?"


"I see, I'll tend to it, have a nice day, Athy." Claude kissed my head and gave a pat before going off to the Garnett Palace to finish his paperwork.

So the next day on my 11th birthday, he gave me another gift...

It was a bracelet!

It wasn't fancy or golden but it was beautiful.

A woven handmade bracelet made of a leather material.

It had some lovely gems placed around it and my name was written inside with gold.

I was thankful and kissed Daddy on the cheek.

Since then when I mentioned something I liked or caught my eye, daddy would always give it to me no matter what the day was.

I told him it wasn't necessary but Felix says, "It's how His Majesty expresses his love to you."

I smiled at the thought.

With the gifts from Daddy that I liked I kept them.

And with Daddy's permission I donated or sold the ones I didn't want to keep since I was running out of room.

If I get money I give it back to Daddy or I buy something nice for Daddy.

Felix says he treasures anything I give to him.

Like the drawings I drew when I was younger.

I tossed again in bed.

I should get some shut eye...

To be Continued...Every Wednesday

584 Words

Published: 27/09/2021

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