S1 Chapter 15 - The Letter from Him

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I winced.

I shut one eye, should I open it?

No! I shouldn't, what if it is not for me?!

But what if it is?

Damn it! Screw my curiosity.

I opened up the letter and it was spread open in front of my wide eyes

Dear Athanasia, the lovely princess,

How have you been doing? I'm sorry that we can't catch up or compete with our studies.

If Jennette is ever bothering you or making you uncomfortable you can always tell me.

I've heard you've taken on a new lesson with Jennette with Lady Htoi, I guess that can only mean one thing.

I miss you and hope to see you again. Will you come back to me?

From Ijekiel.

Did he mean 'Will you write back to me' when he wrote 'Will you come back to me?'

I blushed furiously.

I dropped the letter onto the floor and I stomped on it.

How could you Ijekiel?!

Such a sweet boy like Ijekiel stole my grown ass woman's heart.

Argh! I've been shot by cupid's arrow.

I dramatically fell onto my bed with my hands clutching my heart.

Then I rolled around and waved my legs and hands in the air.

"Princess?" Hannah dropped the laundry basket with a surprising questioning look.

"I-, Uhh, Hannah? What are you doing here?"

"Princess, I came to collect your laundry...What are you doing?"


"Is it perhaps a boy?" Hannah wiggled her eyebrows around with a smug look.

I was flabbergasted. How did she know?

"Don't be so surprised, Princess." She sighed, "When I was about your age and even older, I've always been fantasising about boys."

She waved her hands around before forming a heart.

"Uhm...Please don't tell Lily! Lily will never accept the fact a boy has stolen my heart." I held one finger up and slightly bended my knees. "Do this as a favour, please Hannah!"

"Of course, Princess! I could never! Your promise is safe with me." She held her pinkie up.

I locked it with her and gave a grin, "I'll even give you some chocolate."

"Woah! Thanks, Athy."

After Hannah left with my laundry, I sat on my bed looking up at the stars on my ceiling.

"I'll see Lady Htoi tomorrow." I yawned and covered myself in my blankets.


I was now dressed in a lovely teal dress.

It was like the one I wore when I was 5.

Daddy seemed to like that dress I wore so he ordered a custom made one, exactly like that.

I guess he liked it because there were so many memories associated with that dress.


Am I really Athanasia now?

Am I really living her life or am I her?

Am I really believing what I thought was a dream?

I have a loving, overprotective, caring, kind Father.

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