S1 Chapter 9 - Her Appearance

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I halted as there was a tall figure in front of me. I saw the sparkles only two people could have.

"This is the first time I've had the opportunity to introduce myself officially like this."

Ah, it was the male lead.

"I am Ijekiel Alpheus. I'm honoured to make your acquaintance." Ijekiel stood with his glittering outfit that matched him so well. His hand was on his chest as he bowed to me.

"Ah, Sorry-".

"It's alright Princess."

For some unknown reason to me, I was dancing with Ijekiel! My face was so heated up I wondered if I was red like Felix's hair once again.

"Don't worry, your steps are as light as a feather, I didn't feel a thing." Ijekiel comforted me as he glided both of us around the dance floor.

Am I really dancing with Ijekiel right now?!

"Uhm, if you can't feel anything, shouldn't you just pretend it didn't happen?"

"I will from now on if that's what you wish." Ijekiel calmly spoke and I felt less pressured about Jennette meeting Claude.

But you'll end up being Jennette's fiancé. I have no chance with the male lead.

It's my fault for falling for you, but why do you have to look so princely and dreamy?

"I heard that his Majesty cares for your Highness very dearly. It seems to be true that his love for his daughter is immeasurable."


"My back hurts more than the feet you stepped on, Princess."

I looked behind him and I saw Claude giving a blazing, fiery, death glare to Ijekiel.

"It seems that he's not too pleased to see the hand of his dear princess held by someone else."

No way. Claude wouldn't actually care for such matters like this, for me.

"It must merely be that my father's interest is piqued since Sir Roger speaks of you so often."

"I, too, have often heard that your Highness is known for her beauty and brilliant wits, so I've been looking forward to meeting you as well."

I blushed at his compliment, "You are just as people say. I, myself, am finding it hard to believe that I'm finally meeting the famous son of the Alpheus Family.

He spun me around and once again it felt as if I was floating but perhaps flying.

The dance had ended and the audience clapped again which I was assuming was for the debutant girls.

Ijekiel gently held my hand and gave it a kiss, "It was an honour to be able to spend this time with you on your special day, princess."

Ah, too many people are staring because Ijekiel was acting so much like a prince charming from a fairy tale.

"I'll look forward to our next encounter, Lady Angel."

?! He knows that I'm the Princess?!

I stared into his golden eyes by accident and there was so much warmth and emotions within those orbs.

My face turned red...He used to be so cute when he was little now he was a charming teen.


I turned away from Ijekiel and gave him a courtesy and my thanks before I made my way towards where I saw Claude before.


I stopped looking around the ballroom when I heard Felix's voice.

"Where's my Dad?"

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