S1 Chapter 21 - Run Away

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"Blessings and Glory upon the Sun of the Obelian Empire, Your Majesty."

Claude flinched at the cold tone and greeting from the daughter he cherished so deeply.

"Athanasia, you know you don't have to do that to me-".

"Why? What makes such a big difference between me and Jennette? Why can't you love Jennette more and leave me alone?!" Athanasia's tears spilled. She missed her father but she couldn't dare to call the one who was going to murder her in the future.

"What are you talking about Athy?" Claude ordered the workers to leave after Athanasia greeted him.

"Do you really love me? Do you just love me because I resemble my mother?"

"Athanasia, I love you. You're my child. My own Flesh and blood. You have my mana waves and have the beauty of your mother. But that doesn't mean I love you just because of those reasons. I raised you and I watched you grow. I loved you throughout the 14 years you were by my side."

"I-Don't want to die."

"What do you mean? I won't let any harm come down upon you-".

"But what if in the future...it is you that harms me? And favours over Jennette?" Athanasia was holding back her tears but she could see her father was doing the same thing.

"Athanasia, how did you even get that thought?"

"Because...I can't say but leave me alone because I don't want to die. I don't want to hate you either and I don't want to leave or stop being your daughter."

"I can get rid of Jennette-".


"Without her you don't need to worry and you'll take your seat as the 'First' Princess since you've always been."

"What do you mean?"

"Jennette was never the 'first' princess. She's only been a princess or the second. I haven't officially given her the title that comes with a ceremony and certificates. Only in name or words, the people in the Imperial Palace and Alpheus mansion think that Jennette is the first but really you are."

"Your Majesty...HOW COULD YOU?! JENNETTE IS MEANT TO BE THE FIRST AND CROWN PRINCESS." Athanasia was exploding now.

Claude was exploding in the opposite way that Athanasia was.


"I don't want to see you anymore...Please leave, Claude." Athanasia gave him the cold shoulder.

Claude was heart broken. He was on the verge of crying. But he couldn't do that in front of his child.

Claude respected Athanasia's wishes even if it meant not seeing her for long.

His Majesty turned away from Athanasia and when he finally left, Athanasia plopped onto the cold floor, wailing, sobbing and crying loudly.

She locked her door with magic and the maids outside were terribly worried.

"When will she come out?"

"Who knows how long it will be when she does?"

"Our princess!"

Then it went silent...

Everyone was tense.

The Princess couldn't, right?

She wouldn't?

She would never leave her father alone in this world.

The maids and knights quickly rushed to the princess' door and pressed their ears up against it.

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