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Honestly im just getting straight to the point.


I woke up then took a shower and then brushed my teeth all that y'know. I put on black basketball shorts with a red basket ball jersey and white air forces with white long socks rolled down. Then headed to the klub.

The outfit is somewhat like this 👇🏼

The outfit is somewhat like this 👇🏼

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We started dancing swaying our hips side to side singing/chanting until The coach was tired of us. "A team really sti-inks." We chanted. He blew his whistle at us. "You kids get of out of my court!"

We got into a line and danced while singing "I, am, goi-ing, to, kill, you" Fooley said interrupting us.

We decided to just play pool. "Alright Ernie what's the plan?" Country 'whispered' to Ernie. He sighed, "Three cushions." He went over to a spot on the pool table "Here" he said then went to another spot. "Here" he then went to another one, "and here."

"No way in a million years" I said. "Care to make a, little wager?" Enrie asked me. "Ten bucks" Country said. "Deal" I said.

"What happens if you miss the shot?" Papi wondered, coming next to me. "Nothing" Country gritted, thinking he'll get away with it. "Nah, you change then. If you miss this shot... Then you have to tell Tank, TANK, to his face, that his mom is so fat that when God said let there be light, she moved." Papi said making us 'ohh' and I laughed patting his shoulder indicating 'good one'. "Bet" Country hesitated. "This will be the hardest ten bucks you'll ever earn." I said.

Hey everyone I finally published this book! Sorry for not being active!

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