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"Whats that first cushion Ernie?" Country said. "Oh no you don't." Papi started stopping Country from his shot. "Its your shot, not his." He continued.

"Alright. I'll still make it" Country said determined to make it. Country made his shot and it hit walls of the pool table anddd....

He was super close but didn't make it. He went over to Tank and did what he was told to do. Causing Tank and Fooley to grab him take him to the bathroom. Honestly I felt really bad.

Country then came out of the bathroom after Fooley and Tank. His hair, head, and the top of his shirt was wet. Ouhh, now I really feel bad.

"So uh..." was all I managed to get out. "They flushed my head in the toilet..." Country said. We all sighed and went back to playing pool.


Country's hair and shirt was dried.
"If I just get my hands on coach Baxter and Tank" Country started. "I'd show him who the real mistfits are" He finished after shooting his shot in pool.

"Yeah, right after he flushes your head again, floosh." Papi jokes, causing us to laugh. "You think you're funny don't ya?" Country asked.

"We saw what happened." Ernie says to some boy who just came up to us.

We walked over to them. "Hey, you're new around here?" Papi said. "Yeah I'm from LA. I'm Fooley's friend, Mario." The boy said. We turn our head because of that. "Don't worry I don't like him either." He says. We all sighed in relief. "Wanna join our club?" I say to him. "What make you think he's good enough to join our Mistfits club?" Country asks.

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