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We were hiding underneath a table watching Country put down some money to prank the cheerleaders.

"Got one ha ha!" Papi says. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" Ernie says, earning a shush from us.

"Im really sorry Mario but I wasn't able to fix your watch." Ernie say, disappointed. "Thats okay. Don't worry about it." Mario says. "So I made you one." Ernie says then gives Mario the watch.

"I cant take this its too nice." "Its official now. You're in." Ernie says. We all put our hands on top of eachothers saying 'alright.'

"Hey guys, check this out." Country says referring to a small trampoline a boy was bouncing on, trying to reach the net. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Can we try?" Mario asks. "Yeah, go ahead." The boy says, leaving. Mario jumps on the small trampoline, reaching the net but not holding on. "Imagine slam dunking." Mario says. "Yeah, right, you couldn't slam if you wanted to." I say. "Oh yeah, watch this." Mario says, trying to reach the rim.

"If you run from half court it might give you enough energy to dunk." Ernie says. "All right, I'll try." Mario says, running to half court. He runs and jumps still only reaching the net. "Give someone else a turn." Papi says. "Yeah, like me." Country says, going to half court and trying, also reaching the net.

Someone blew their whistle and we turn to see coach Baxter. "You kids stay off that rim. Aye, you. Come here." He says, pointing to Mario. "Me?" Mario asks, even though it was obvious who he was pointing to. "Yeah, you. How would you like to try out, for the A team?" Coach Baxter says.

"Who? Me?" Mario asks. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Who do you think I'd ask? Certainly not one of your friends here." Baxter says. "Mario. Come on man, this is your chance to be on a winning team. What's it going to be Mario? The A team, or them? Well? Who's it gonna be?" Fooley asks.

"I don't need the A team. We got our own team." Mario says, putting his arm around Country and I. "Yeah, yeah, the losers-" Fooley starts but was cut off by Coach Baxter, "How would you and your team like to have a scrimmage against the A team? Like right now." Baxter says. "Give us ten minutes." Mario says. "Alright. We'll be waiting." Coach Baxter says as the rest of us have our mouths a bit open because of Mario .

We go in the boys bathroom. Yes, even me. "'C'mon guys. Think of something. I mean, what was I supposed to do? Just back out? I can't do that. Yesterday was the best day of my entire life. I met a great bunch of friends. You guys made me apart of your club. Ernie made me a great new watch. I just can't walk away from all that." Mario says. "I don't blame you. I bet any one of us would've done the same thing." Papi says.

"I wouldn't have." Ernie says. "Yeah, well you're the exception." Country says, pushing Ernie a bit to which Ernie does it back. "Come to think of it. I saw this outer limits program yesterday 'bout this boy genius that's actually a robot." Country says. To which we laugh a bit. "You sure you not a robot Ernie?" Country asks. "I'm positive. Now excuse me while I go change my oil." Ernie says. "I think he is a robot." Country jokes. To which we laugh to.

Guys I'm really sorry but chapter are going to be a bit short for now because I do want more chapters. I did write a book about the movie Thriller if you want to go check it out it has only five chapters.❤

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