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I woke up to some yelling and went out to see what I expected, my parents arguing well I was a bit shocked.

You see, my parents barley argued if they did it would be about stupid things. I only expected it because it was just me and my parents. I'm an only child surprisingly.

I just stared then went to my room and put on my headphones connected to my Walkman playing some music to block out the noise. All I could hear was muffled noises.

It went on like that for about 5 to 10 minutes then I took off my headphones pausing my music and going out my to see what my parent were arguing about.

"Hey Ma." I said "Hi honey" she greeted. "What was all that about?" I asked. She sighed. "It was nothing hon." She answered "Ma you know you can tell me" "Uh fine. Well, me and your father are most likely getting a divorce and- well- we will have to move if we do. You-you can still play basketball and- make new friends." She said I was just frozen.

I can't leave. I can't leave my friends. Not to mention Father Sal and the klub. I just cant. I love it there; I love it here.

"Ma, are you serious?" I said tearing up. "Im sorry honey." She said shaking her head meaning she is serious. There's now tears and my eyes and I'm just staring at her. I then run to my room and burst into to tears shutting the door behind me. After a few minutes of shedding tears I decided to get ready and clear my mind, hang with the guys, y'know the usual.

I take a shower, brush my teeth then get ready. I wore a black basketball jersey with green basketball shorts and the white rolled down sock with my white air forces.

 I wore a black basketball jersey with green basketball shorts and the white rolled down sock with my white air forces

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I went back to the kitchen to find my mom gone she probably went to work or to sleep i just got some cereal

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I went back to the kitchen to find my mom gone she probably went to work or to sleep i just got some cereal. (personaly I would get lucky charms, golden crisp, or Frosted Flakes, pretty underrated)

Once I finished I went out to head to the klub locking the door behind me 'cause I had a sparekey. I put the key in my secret hiding spot, under a plant on my porch. And I then ran off to the klub.

Yall I hope you like this chapter. I decided to let you guys get more of Skye's background and what's happening in her life. Now I know this will be different but I'm only going to be focusing on 2 or 3 books. They are this one, regular show, and another book which is soon to be out which im overly excited for.

Edit: since it is already out the book is Everybody hates chris. Its a chrisxblackfemreader ❤

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