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"Well let's see, my mom dumped me over the summer 'cause she needed to spend time by herself. My dad would rather work then be with me. My 'friend's' a jerk who only thinks of  himself and my aunt hates me. That good enough?" He tells/asks us. "Not good enough for me." Country says.

Papi hits Country on his leg lightly. "Works for me." Ernie says. "Ignore him don't worry." Papi says.  "I'm Papi, This is Cheif, Ernie, Skye, and Country." Papi introduces. "Does your aunt really hate you? Did you tell your mother about it?." Ernie asks. "Some things are just better left unsaid" is Mario's answer. "Im profound" Ernie says.

There was silence until Country spoke up "Hey guys, check this out" he said referring to Coach Baxter with Father Sal.

Father Sal is the owner of the club.

"Alright he finally gets what he deserves" says Country.


We saw coach Baxter go into the bathroom so we decided to play a little prank on him.

We opened the door to the bathroom and started to walk in making sure to keep quiet.

Country put his hands under one of the bathroom stalls then grabbed coach Baxters pants then we ran out.

We saw him come out of the bathroom with in his underwear with toilet paper following. "Didn't your mom ever tell you not to be caught with your pants down?" Country says as we laugh. "GIVE ME THOSE PANTS!" Coach Baxter says running after us, then Country threw his pants up into the basketball hoop making it get caught on the rim of it. Then we start running, "YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS YOU LITTLE PUNKS! GET OUT OF MY GYM!" He yells as we run.

Yall I just wanna say sorry for not updating in a while ❤



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