whether it be role play or video games, i will not be your support character

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if i had a penny
for every time i was given
a harder role
a lesser roll
the more 'mature' roll
i would be a millionaire

i never ask why
but they always tell me
i never prompt the discussion
but we always have it

it seems that apparently
i am the glue that holds the group together
i can take the disappointment the best
i am the only one who can handle the task

as if my mother is the only one
who could raise kind children
as if my siblings and i
are this rare breed of maturity

i am constantly raising up others
stepping just out of the spotlight
leading the rest out of they fray
patching together all the holes

is it too much to ask
that i be seen as a whole person
and not just as a supporting role
for those who are louder than me?

i feel everything half way
and i feel no anger at all
i just have to coast
through all of my disappointment

i never considered myself
someone with a considerable amount of self control
but when they explain why i am treated poorly
like that makes it so much better
i see then, what they see in me

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