The Sand

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Oh god
I'm running
For my life
From what?
I don't know,
It might be nothing
I might just be running from me
I'm running across the beach
But there's no water
Just the sand
Oh god
It's sinking
My feet are sink
With every pace I go deeper
Every leap is slower
Oh god
It's not just sand
It's quick sand
Has it always been quick sand?
I don't think so
Oh god
The more I run
The more I sink
I should turn around
Go back to before
Before the sand began to sink
But you can't go back
Oh god
You can never go back
I just keep running
I have to make it to solid ground
I don't know where it is
Or if I'll make it
But I can't go back
And I sure as hell can't stop

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