1. Red Light, Green Light

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None of us really know how much money we need until we really do need it. Coming from the North to the South with my father for a better life. We needed as much money as possible to live our new lifestyle. Yes, I never get to see the girl I love around anymore. But I know she was trying to get to the South as well. Hopefully she's made. "Haneul." My father yelled in the small apartment we managed to buy. It only had two rooms but we managed to live just fine in it.

"Yeah?" I asked from the bathroom.

"We're running low on money again, do you have a way of earning any today?" He asked me, I was currently situated in the bathroom. I guess I could see if there was anything that I could deliver for people. But that never usually pays well.

"I'll try and get a few deliveries done at the restaurant." I said to him while exiting the bathroom.

"Ok, just try and earn as much as you can. I don't want us to go hungry, you know what your mom would think." He said to me, I nodded. I finished up before heading out of the building. Of course I would do anything that's including pickpocketing. Take what I could when I could. They had a few deliveries that I could do but not many. 2, was the amount.

"Sir, if it's possible. Do you know if they'll be anymore orders today?" I asked the owner of the restaurant.

"That's it for today. But before you leave here's your pay." He said to me, I took the money.

"Thank you." I said to him before heading home. Except I didn't. I sat in the park instead, it was peaceful and helped me forget about the financial problem that I was living through. A guy in a nice suit, it must be expensive judging by how the guy looked, he was carrying a briefcase. Out of all the benches he could sit on. It was mine. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Hello, miss. Can I talk to you?" He asked me, I looked him up and down.

"If you're trying to sell me something, I can't afford it." I said to him before trying to scoot myself over a bit more.

"It's not that. Listen, I wanna let you in on a great opportunity to..." He started before I looked at him.

"I don't want to invest into whatever your company is either." I said to him, hoping that it would at least get him to leave me alone.

"Miss. Would you like to play a game with me?" He asked me, a game? At these time of night.

"What kind of game? Because I'm hungry and I'm tired. What makes you think I'm down to play this game?" I asked him. It was true. Besides there was a chance I didn't know what this game was. I saw the guy open his briefcase up. "I didn't grew up here, so what makes you think I know how to play your stupid game." I said to him, when he briefcase was open I saw all the money. That could help me and my dad for a while.

"Have you ever played ddakji before?" He asked while holding up two squares. I shook my head. "Play a few round of ddakji with me. And each time you win, I'll pay you a 100,000 won. All you have to do is hit my ddakji, if it flips over you win." He said to me, it sounded like some kind of scam.

"But what happens if you win?" I asked him.

"And if I can flip yours, you will give me the exact same amount of money." He said to me, it went silent for little bit. "You can also be the first to play." He said to me I looked down.

"Sir, I'm sorry but I don't have 100,000 won. If there's another way I can play but I don't have the money. This also better not be a scam because I really do need the money." I said to him. I saw him smile, was this a good or a bad smile.

"So which color do you wanna play as?" He asked me. Red or blue was my options.

"Blue." I said to him. When we began playing I failed. But he managed to flip mine.

The game // Sae Byeok X OC  (GirlxGirl) // Squid GameWhere stories live. Discover now