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If there was anything Y/N despised other than getting nightmares, it was having absolutely nothing to do to stave off their boredom.

Sure, blasting hilichurls and messing around with ruin guards was fun and all, but even then it gets repetitive if done so frequently.

It also didn't help that they were all alone. Sara was busy with general duties, and there was no way in hell they could pester the Shogun to hang out with them. Given that she was not programmed to recreate or even relax.

So what does one do when left with nothing to entertain themselves?

Find Sara, of course! Busy or not, she was their only friend.

Which is why Y/N was crouching on one of the roofs inside Kujou Encampment, stealthily watching (stalking) a certain tengu general. Sara was talking to a few of her subordinates, and with what Y/N could faintly hear, was scolding them about something.

They waited for the right moment to strike, and once they found it, Y/N pounced on Sara's unsuspecting form.



They landed perfectly behind her, wrapping both arms around her waist and lifting her up.

"Found you!" Y/N grinned toothily.

"Put me down!" Sara demanded, face flushing furiously from embarrassment. Meanwhile, her subordinates she was scolding moments earlier could only watch with utter bafflement. How could someone— an outlander no less— just surprise hug someone as intimidating as Kujou Sara without turning into crisps?!

"If you dare speak any of this to anyone, there will be put me down! consequences." She growled at the two men, slapping at Y/N's arms to make them drop her.

"Understood!" the two nodded frantically.

"Now if you'll excuse me..."


"Ow..." Y/N held the spot where Sara smacked them. They were now at Sara's office, courtesy of the tengu dragging them there.

"What were you thinking?" She said rather ominously, her aura spilling danger. "I could have seriously hurt you if you were anybody else!"

"But you didn't!"

"Ugh." Sara facepalmed, they were going to be the death of her. "Why were you following me?"

"I was bored."

Electricity crackled in the air, and Y/N noticed Sara's brows furrowing in frustration. They gulped.

"So you decided to make a scene and make a fool out of me... because you were bored?"

Is this how it ends? Wait, no. Y/N does not fear any death, death fears them.

They finally cracked. "Okay fine! I was lonely!"

"...What?" the crackling faded.

"I was getting lonely." They admitted, voice growing softer. "You've been so busy these past few weeks and barely spend time with me anymore."

"That's because—"

"You're the general of the Tenryou commission." Y/N mimicked her voice, or at least, attempted to. "I get that, but would it kill you to at least say hi to me when we cross paths?"

Sara felt a twinge of guilt. Truth be told, she had grown accustomed to their obnoxious presence that she too, felt lonely without them constantly bothering her.

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