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"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" Sara asked, helping them pack their bag for their lengthy commission.

"I'll be fine, love." Y/N replied. "Aether and I can handle a simple ruin filled with abyss mages."

"I know, it's just—" the tengu sighed. "This commission sounds suspicious, we don't usually have any abyss order activity going on."

"Which is why I need to check it out. Aether has already encountered them before, maybe I could get some clues on what their plans are."

"Okay. Just... just stay safe you hear me? Don't you dare die on us." She pulled them in, her lips lingering on theirs for a while longer before sending them off.

"I won't, I promise."


"Oh my, leaving without a goodbye? I'm hurt." They spun around to face Miko with Ei in tow, the fox envoy feigning offense.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to disturb you two while you're busy with work."

The two approached the fallen angel, pulling them in a hug. "Be safe out there, okay?" Ei murmured against their neck.

"I will." They pulled away, Miko pulling something out of her pocket.

"Here," she handed them a pink omamori. "a lucky charm to keep you safe on your mission. Who knows, maybe I'll just appear right in front of you if you think hard enough."

"Miko, you didn't actually placed your consciousness in that like last time, right?" Ei glared at the Guuji.

"Hmm.. maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

"That's unfair!" The shogun pouted. "Why is it that you get to be with them while Sara and I don't?"

"Because I'm the favorite."

"Now now." Y/N interrupted them before it could escalate. "You're all loved equally, everyone is the favorite here, no one is lesser than the other."

"Thank goodness." Ei smiled. "Well, it's best we don't hold you any further. Have a safe journey, Y/N."

"Yes, have a safe trip, dear." Miko added, kissing their cheek making sure to leave a kiss mark.

"Blegh, pda." The three lovers turned towards Paimon and Aether standing idly, the pixie making gagging noises at the affection being displayed.

"Oh, Aether— uh... didn't see you there!" His parent flushed in embarrassment, pulling away from Miko and Ei.

The blond chuckled, shaking his head. "It's fine, Ayaka nearly didn't want to let go of me earlier."

"Yeah! She was clinging to him like a koala!" Paimon chimed in, recalling the silly memory. "Thoma had to forcefully peel her away from poor Aether."

"Damn, feels like she won't leave you be once we get back." Y/N chuckled.

"I can already imagine it." Aether playfully rolled his eyes.

"So, are you two ready to go?"

"Yep yep!" Paimon nodded. "The sooner we finish this the better!"

Y/N turned to their two lovers. "We'll get going now, don't burn the house down while I'm gone okay?"

Ei flushed, pouting. "I won't!"

"Stay safe." Miko waved goodbye as the trio left for the ruins.


Y/N checked the map while Aether took the wheel of the boat they were on. The ruins were at a place called Tsurumi Island, an island nobody had visited in years due to it having supernatural activity with no one coming back alive.

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