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Ei hurried off with fast strides, frantic eyes searching for any trace of her otherworldly lover. She payed no mind to the baffled stares of her people, focusing more on finding the two Y/Ns running amok right now.

She beelined her way towards where she knows one of the two should be, eventually spotting the male clone with Sara. Heaving a sigh of relief, she strode over to the pair.

"E-Ei!" Y/N stuttered, fresh tears already threatening to roll down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for running off, please don't get mad at me.."

The archon rose a brow, confused. "Why would I get mad? I'm more relived that you are safe."

"Still..." Ei pinched his cheeks, giggling at his cute expression and promptly silencing him.

"Do you know where the other went?"

The male clone shook his head.

"I have a good guess." Sara chimed in. "She's probably at the shrine with Miko."

"We should go there before my chaotic clone does something stupid." Male Y/N added quietly, shyly intertwining his hands with Ei. "She's the more chaotic one while I'm... more reserved."

"I hope Miko doesn't enable your other half." Sara shuddered. "Knowing her, she'd one hundred percent join in on any shenanigans other Y/N would do."

Just then, they heard a faint kaboom! somewhere, followed by clear, loud maniacal laughter.

The trio exchanged glances, faces turning ghostly white.

Teyvat's end was here....


Hilichurls ran for their lives as female Y/N tailed behind them, a big smile on her face as she hurled balls of electro at the fleeing monsters.

Miko glanced up from her novel, shaking her head as she watched the female clone have fun overloading the poor creatures.

Once Y/N grew tired of just blasting hilichurls, she returned to Miko's side like a puppy, falling flush onto her lap while the fox envoy continued to read her book under the shade of a tree.

"Mikooo..." Y/N whined against her thighs, flapping her legs about.


"Give me affection." She demanded looking up, puckering her lips at the Guuji.

She merely responded with a hearty laugh, happily obliging to her lover's request.

Their sweet moment was rudely interrupted by three— well more like two, livid women standing in front of them, with the male clone hiding behind Ei with a scared look in his eyes.

"Care to explain why there are several dozens of holes and burnt grass here?" The shogun smiled ominously.

Uh oh.


"Did you not think this was a bad idea?!" Ei exclaimed, staring down harshly at the two kneeling women before her.

Miko looked up, a nonchalant smile on her face. "Oh no, I did. I just decided to let her do it anyways."

Ei looked ready to explode, but managed to calm herself down by taking a few deep breaths. "Not only did you let her scare half of the civilians, you let her destroy a few properties!! Miko, you should know better."

"I'm sorry about scaring the civilians." Female Y/N apologized with her head down. "But the properties were left by the Fatui, so I thought it was okay to destroy some."

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