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Listening to the serene silence, Irene relaxed slightly, enjoying the brief moment of peace. She knew it wouldn't last, not with the situation she found herself in, but for the moment she enjoyed it. As if answer to this thought, the sudden sound of bickering started up again and the blonde elf sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over her face in fond exasperation.

It was to be expected she supposed. Angels were incredibly protective and possessive creatures, be that for their rare few loved ones, or their even rarer bonded, though sometimes those lines blurred. Not everyone had a guardian angel, and not every angel had a bonded that they were destined to protect. Either way, such a bond was highly coveted by both parties, and considered an honor, and somehow Irene had ended up with twin angels.

Quietly, she glanced back at the two bickering entities, currently not even bothering to pretend to be human, given the privacy her home provided. The two of them were glaring at each other fiercely and hissing insults, held back from attacking each other, only because they knew it would upset Irene, though their wings were both spread in aggression.

Shaking her head, Irene muffled another sigh, doing her best to not be heard, as the moment they noticed her distress, the two would be fawning over her once more. She wasn't sure why they had both been bounded eternally to her, but even with the mess it had created, Irene knew she could never really live without them, nor they could without her.

She could still remember fondly the first time they showed themselves to her, it all started on her sixteenth birthday, when she was gifted a thick leather tome full of rituals.

Awkwardly Irene looked between the two fuming angels, getting the distinct feeling that she was stuck in the middle of a siblings quarrel, rather than what was essentially a custody battle over her. As they both finally paused, Irene took the moment to pipe up, as she was pretty sure they'd all be stuck here for eternity if she didn't interrupted them as soon as possible.

"So... let me get this straight... you've both been sent to protect me from harm?"

At their curt nods, Irene hastened to continue, not wanting to give them the chance to start up again. Awkwardly, she gestured between them, grimacing.

"Can't you just... work together then? You both have the same job, and you're both protecting me from the same things... If the two of you work together, then I'll just be twice as safe."

If not for how exasperated she was over the whole situation, Irene likely would have laughed herself to tears at the absolutely scandalized expressions on both their faces, in response to her innocent suggestion.

Apparently that was a no.

Irene was pulled away from her thoughts just as she heard her guardians' bickering reach to an end.

"—I'm saying you should stop being a show off and interrupt my purging!" Azazel hissed, wings flapping behind them. "Are you deliberately trying to put our lady in harm's way?"

"I wouldn't have to if you stopped moving like a fucking snail!" Azrael rebutted. "This is why no one likes you!"

"Not true, Irene likes me!"

"She's only tolerating your flat ass."


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