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"Y/N, are you up there?"


Sara shook her head, a small smile forming on her lips. "We've been looking all over for you, Ei and Miko were worried sick when you didn't come home for the past few days."

"Ehe." They giggled, poking their head from the tree. "I just wanted some time alone, I'm sorry for making you all worry."

"It's alright. Though, a little notice would have been nice. Ei almost sent out a search party because of your disappearance."


"Can you come down now? I doubt you've eaten anything yet."

"Just a few more minutes."

"Y/N... are you stuck?"

"What? Me, stuck? Pfft, don't be silly!"

"Y/N." Sara deadpanned.

"Okay, maybeee I'm a little bit stuck— just a little!"

"Of course you are." The tengu let out a brief chuckle, flexing her back as four sets of raven wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. Reaching over to where Y/N was, she offered them a hand.

"Come on."

"Uh..." they looked hesitant, glancing down below then at her stretched out hand. "Promise you won't drop me?"

"I promise." She said with utmost sincerity, though a sly smile tore through. "Even if you fell, I'll catch you."

"Okay, I trust you!" Y/N took her hand and Sara gathers them in her arms, her muscles flexing from years of training. Her grip was strong, a reassuring vice that she wouldn't let them fall.

Sara kissed their forehead. "Hold on tight, lovely."

She soared higher and Y/N felt their stomach do a flip, it was the same sensation when they use a glider, and back when they still had wings.

How long has it been since the last time they took flight? Y/N can't remember.

Sara flies straight up with a powerful beat of her wings, high enough to make out the silhouette of Tenshukaku all the way from where they were.

This was the second time Y/N had seen her majestic wings, the first time being a brief one due to them falling off a cliff.

"Okay?" She shouted over the billowing wind.

"Yeah! This is great!"

The view from above was beautiful, Y/N could see Narukami Island and the blue ocean surrounding it. The vast clouds and clear blue sky topping it all off, bringing a sense of calmness through them.

Sara slows down, enough to converse more easily.

"I envy that you could fly, you must see this wonderful view everyday." They sighed melancholically.

"Not as wonderful as you."

This caught them off guard. "Sara? Who are you and what have you done to my normally awkward girlfriend?"

Sara laughed, smile wide. "Miko's been giving me tips on how to flirt."

"Miko, huh? Why am I not surprised." Y/N playfully rolled their eyes, laughing shortly after.

Sara began to pick up speed once more with steady strong beats of her wings. Y/N could somewhat make out the people down below, though they were only tiny specks.

"You loved it though." She retorted lightheartedly, briefly kissing them on the lips, followed by laughter.

Their heart melts at her carefree demeanor towards them, she was right.

Y/N would be lying if they said they didn't indeed love it.


The pair entered the palace, grimacing at the heavy air that hung around. It only seemed to grew denser as they went deeper, eventually stopping at the engawa where both Miko and Ei were.

Ei stopped pacing the moment she felt two familiar presence. Her tense shoulders relaxed upon seeing Sara with Y/N in tow.

"Y/N!" She ran over to them, placing both her hands on their shoulders as she searched them head to toe for any injuries. "Where have you been? You were missing for almost a week!"

"E-Ei, air!!" They wheezed.

"Now now, Ei. Let them go, you're squeezing too tight." Miko reasoned, sipping her cup of tea near the garden.

Ei obliged, freeing them from her hold as Y/N sucked in precious air. Once they regained their composure, they sat down on the engawa next to Miko, shifting uncomfortably.

"Now, care to explain on your abrupt disappearance?" Ei inquired, brows furrowed as she stared them down.

Sara plopped herself next to Y/N and Miko, a comforting hand on their back. "Whatever your reason is, don't be afraid to tell us. We're not going to judge you for it."

Y/N fiddled with their hands resting on their lap, their usual carefree and goofy demeanor nowhere to be found. "I'm sorry for disappearing, I just don't want you guys to see me in such a pathetic mental state."

"Pardon?" Ei looked highly offended.

Miko brought her hand up to stop Ei from talking further. "Let them speak."

"It's just..." they sighed. "I keep having nightmares, more so than usual."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. All I kept hearing were screams, bloodshed— the people I've slaughtered in the past. My failure to protect my only friend.. it's all coming back to me, and I don't know why. I thought I moved on, but I guess I can never escape karmic debt."

"Karmic debt?" Sara repeated.

"Yes, a curse that I cannot die or erode. That is my karmic debt, forced to wander for eternity, with no purpose whatsoever."

"How did you gain such punishment?" Ei asked, highly intrigued. A being that cannot erode? That's new.

"It's a long story, are you sure you would want to hear it? I don't want to bore you all." Y/N warned.

"We won't, especially if we get the chance to know more about you." Miko reassured.

"Well, once upon a time..."

"...I was an angel."


Are you interested in reader's origin story? It's gonna be filled with angst and whump, along with crumbs of hurt no comfort 😇

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