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"Hmm... would you believe me if I told you that I know one of your companions' whereabouts are?"

Y/N didn't take her words seriously. "And I'm married to the electro archon, har har."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, dear. But I'm actually Ei's wife."

"Wait, really?"

"Well, that worked in catching your full attention."

"Wha— you can't just dodge the question!"

Miko's hearty laugh blessed Y/N's ears, a song that no musician can ever recreate. "Now do you believe me?"

"I guess... but! I still need a clear answer on wether or not you're married to Ei."

"All I can say is that we fight like an old married couple, let's leave it at that." she smiled cheekily, like the sly fox she was. "Now, you must be dying to know where your companion is. Well, as it turns out, he got himself in a bit of trouble and will need some help."

"He? You mean Aether! Oh no, what did he do? Turned himself into a wanted man?"

Miko only smiled, already answering their question with just the curve of her lips.

"Aether, what the hell!" Y/N got up to their feet, ready to search all corners of Inazuma for the older twin. "We get separated, and this is what you do? Ugh, I need to save him!"

"Ah ah ah, not so fast dear." Miko tugged at their sleeve, stopping them from going on a manhunt, literally. "I don't think looking for them with a clouded mind is a wise idea, you might get yourself in trouble, and we don't want that now, do we?"

"I don't care, I need to save him!"

"Now now, deep breaths Y/N." They complied, regulating their breathing until they calmed down. "I know where he's headed, we just need to get there in time."

"Then what are we waiting for? No time to lose!"

"Before that, have you entered Ei's plane of Euthymia?"

"Plane of what now?"

"Ah, so you don't know." Miko noted. So Ei personally came out of her plane to meet them, interesting.

"Never mind, I'll explain it to you then." She relayed her plan, who Ei actually was, and how Y/N could just be the key in luring Ei out of her plane with the help of their companion.

"So basically, she locked herself in this plane of Euthymia, to prevent erosion and maintain eternity? It almost sounds like she's a child locking herself in her room."

This earned them an amused giggle from the fox envoy. "It seems you and I think the same, almost as if we're made for each other."

"Hm? Did you say something, Miko?"

"Oh nothing," she waved them off. "We should start heading to where your companion is."

"Alright, lead the way. I won't let anything harm you."

"My hero." Miko laughed, linking one of her arms into theirs as they left Tenshukaku.


"Repeat after me, 'three, two, one, one, two, three, ahhhh, ahhhh.' Come on."

Blinking the blurriness from his eyes, Aether repeated her words.

"Okay, that's positive. Your brain seems relatively unscathed, this is good news." She said, uncrossing her arms. "It's just as well, really, with the amount of effort it took us to get you back here. It was like you were glued to the ground back there."

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