Chapter 2: Waking up

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Summary of the first chapter: The girls were on their way home from a concert. As they were crossing the bridge over the Han River, Byulyi asks their manager - Jeongeun-unnie - to stop the car. A boy was at the edge, about to jump. Byulyi and Jeongeun-unnie get out to talk him down. She asks Yongsun to stay behind. The boy ends up going over the edge and taking Byulyi with him. They don't find her body. She is declared missing for now.


The sun was in her eyes. She hated that. She tried turning away from it, except.

Ow, her head .

Footsteps pounded down the hallway as she hissed, opening her eyes and looking around at her surroundings. She was in a bedroom of sorts. It was a little messy, with books strewn across a table and crammed into a large bookshelf. The wardrobe in the corner was ajar, but she couldn't tell if they were girl's or boy's clothes. She hissed again as she tried lifting an arm to cover her eyes - they felt like dead weights.

"Hey, you're up." She turned carefully to face the voice, mindful of the injury on her head - a bump? A cut? A young girl stood there, her expression flustered. The girl was quite cute, she thought. A bob cut, with soft features. "I was getting worried."

"Where am I?" She said - or at least, attempted to say. Her throat was so dry it caught on the first word, leading her to cough painfully. God, what happened to her?

"Oh, oops." The girl rushed to her side, sliding on her knees to her bedside. She poured a glass of water from a jug on the bedside and held it up to her lips. She drank it greedily. Her mouth was very dry.

"Thank you," she managed this time around, licking her lips a few times to soothe the pain. "Where am I?"

"In my room." The girl scratched the back of her head, embarrassed. "Sorry about the mess."

She looked around some more. "It's not too bad."

The girl blushed, shyly staring at her. She began to feel uncomfortable as the moment dragged on.

"And you are...?"

"Me?" The girl pointed at herself. "I'm Kim Minyoung. But everyone calls me Lala."


"Yeah. 'cause I do crazy things sometimes." Lala smiled. She felt herself smile back.

A pain in her lip made her wince. Lala frowned.

"Yeah, you're pretty banged up. Careful; there's a cut on your lip. I put a butterfly bandage on it, but you don't want to pull it too much. And don't move too much; you have a major lump on your head. Right over here." Lala reached up to gently press against a spot behind her left ear. It sent a throbbing sensation through her that she decided she didn't like. She yelped, and Lala pulled her hand away with a giggle. "Whoops."

"What the heck happened?" Lala gave her a curious look. "Why am I here?"

"You don't remember?" She shook her head. Lala blinked, then her eyes narrowed. "What do you remember?"

"I..." She thought hard about it. Blinked. "Nothing."

Lala's eyes narrowed. She stared at her for a long moment. "Nothing?"

"Nothing." Lala dropped her head, and she felt a panic begin to mount in her. "Lala?"

"I'm thinking." She fell quiet as Lala raised a finger. After a long moment, she lifted her head, concern in her eyes. She bit her lips nervously as she waited for Lala's response.

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