Chapter 7: The Grand Magic Games!

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I find that I'm jumping in quite quickly and I hope you don't mind. I don't have an idea of how many chapters this is gonna be but it's probably less than 30/40. I say this but I actually have no idea, it depends how I think of doing this in the future. I'll start typing the story now.

Chapter 7:

"Attention everyone! Master would like all of you to gather around the stage in five minutes because he would like to make an announcement." Shouted Mirajane trying to get everyone's attention, but everybody continued drinking and talking. All except Erza. She walked up to Mirajane. "Do worry I'll take it from here." she reassured Mira. Erza then took a deep breath opened her mouth and this came out: "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS MORONS!! MIRA'S TRYING TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" She bellowed. "Thanks Erza. Anyway just gather around the stage in five minutes because master wants to tell you guys something important." concluded Mira.

Five minutes later master was on the stage and everybody was silent and concentrating on him. "So as you all know, the GMG (the Grand Magic Games) are coming up in about three months and I have now decided the teams I would like to participate." Master said. Everybody was murmuring until master coughed and continued speaking. "In Fairytail team A we have: Nashi Dragneel, Sukino Redfox, Rioni Fullbuster, Meladea Fernandez and Mordecai Dreyar. And as a substitute is Rueben Dragneel." Master listed. "What! No fair! I'm a sub?" Shouted an angry Rueben who was now on a rampage. "Don't worry, you'll be able to fight at some point ." said Sukino trying to comfort him. "Yeah, don't worry little bro. I'm all fired up!" Exclaimed Nashi.

"Well that's all good! For Fairytail team B we will have one parent each of the participants for team A and as a substitute is Wendy Marvell." Finished off Master Makarov. "Natsu you should go. Do you remember what I did in the last one?" Lucy sighed. "But Luce, you were strong then and you're even stronger now!" Praised Natsu. "I don't know..." Murmured Lucy. "Gramps! Lucy's gonna go for Nashi!" Shouted Natsu. "You'll do fine. Don't worry." He said comforting Lucy. "I guess you're right." agreed Lucy. "Yeah Mom! You rule!" Exclaimed a fired up Nashi who was high-fiving her mother.

"Hey Gajeel! Why don't you go. You don't spend as much time with Su-Su as I do." Suggested Levy. "Yeah you're right Shrimp! But what about you?" Asked Gajeel. "I'll be fine and I'd rather not." Levy sweat dropped. "Hey Master, I'm gonna go for Sukino." said Gajeel. "Yay Daddy!" Shrieked Sukino whilst jumping on him. "Do you do this often? " Asked Gajeel. "Yep." sweat dropped Rueben. "Mmm hmm. You would know." Nashi chuckled as Rueben blushed.

"You should go." "No you should go." argued Jellal and Erza. "You were really good last time." complimented Jellal. "So were you." argued Erza. "You would have won if it weren't for Ultear." She continued. "I guess you're right but-" Jellal was cut short because Erza was holding him to the wall and was pointing her sword to him. "I swear Jellal Fernandez you may be my fiancé but if you don't go, you will regret it!" Threatened Erza. "Okay, master I'm gonna go for Meladea." squeaked Jellal. "Good now you will get a proper chance to win." said Erza in a cheery tone whilst walking away. Jellal just stared at her.

"I'm going." stated Mira. "Whatever." Said Laxus. "Don't 'whatever' me! I just wanna talk with Lucy about our kids' love lives." said Mira with sparkles in her eyes.

"Well I guess we know which one of us is going." Said Juvia. "Yep, stay safe Juvia." "I will. As much as I wish I could go, I just can't because of this one right here." Juvia said pointing at her stomach. Since she was pregnant again with her and Gray's babies, yep Juvia was having twins therefore it would be dangerous for her to go.

"Okay I think this is all sorted now! We will meet tomorrow at nine in the morning to leave for training. Make sure you guys are on time!" Concluded master.

A/N: I haven't updated in ages I know and I'm sorry. I'm in Dubai right now and the wifi is bad. I will try harder.

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