Chapter 8: Who are you?

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Okay so here is where things start to get a bit interesting...only slightly. So here it goes.

Chapter 8:

It was 8:30am and almost everyone was at the guild chatting away and discussing training techniques. Master had decided that everyone who wants to go to train for the GMG could go if they wanted to because you can never have enough people just incase. They were going to go to Akane Resort to train as always; obviously people would go because it's a five star resort and who wouldn't?! But something that the guild weren't expecting, even though it was quite common and nothing really out of the ordinary, happened. There was a dead silence as the guild doors opened. The sound of platform heels were heard and everyone turned their heads and attention to the teenage girl who was now standing a few feet from the door.

"Urm... hi!" she said quite shyly. "My name is Miyani Ferukosa, and I would like to join this guild." she said with a cute smile (like in the picture). Erza stepped forward and said: "That's the masters job but I'm sure he'll let you join. Come on, I'll show you to him." "Thanks Mrs...urm...." "Erza is just fine, thank you. I'll introduce you to everybody later Miyani." suggested Erza. "That would be great! Thanks Erza!" Cheered Miyani. Whilst the two talking they had made it to Master's office. "Here we are." Erza said whilst knocking at the door. She then opened it. "Ah, Erza nice to see you here, who's this? A new recruit?" Questions Master. "Yes, my name is Miyani Ferukosa." replied Miyani. "Well, I'll let you take it from here Master." Said Erza as she slightly waved and walked off back into the hall.

"Okay Miyani, I need to ask you a few questions if you please." said Master. "Sure! Go ahead! Ask away." Miyani said enthusiastically. "Firstly, what type of mage are you? In other words, what type of magic do you use?" "Well, I use two different types. My main one is magic of the seasons. So basically seasons magic; and the second one I inherited from my mother, this is the magic from the heavens and the universe." Miyani explained. "Okay, what about your past? Any back stories? Tragedies? Anything to make me feel sad?" "Well... not really." "Dammit!" Master shouted. "Just share anything you have then."
"Well, I grew up without my father, my mother says he left when she was pregnant with me. All I had was her and my older brother. Later on in my life my mother started having a craving and desire for more power. She dragged my brother into it and tried to drag me in as well. She succeeded for a while, but I came to my senses and left them and I have nothing to do with them anymore and I don't wanna see them again!" Miyani said. "Okay, hmmm, that is quite interesting Miyani. Lastly, how old are you?" Asked Master. "I am seventeen years old." "Hmm, you remind me a bit of Lucy when she joined. Full of enthusiasm, charisma and a strong heart. She was the same age too! You can certainly join the guild let me just call Mira to give you a guild mark. MIRAAAAA!!!!" Master bellowed. A few seconds later Mira entered the room holder a stamp. "Hi there! I'm Mirajane Strauss. Mira is fine though." Where and what colour would you like your guild mark?" Mira asked sweetly. "Urm.. on my stomach and the colour green please!" Requested Miyani. She got her guild mark and she left Makarov's office. Just before she left he called out: "Would you like to come training with us today for the Grand Magic Games at Akane Resort?" "Okay, sure. Thanks Master!" She replied cheerily, then she walked back into the guild.

Once Miyani got inside the guild hall, Erza came up to her. "Welcome to the guild. Attention everyone! We have a new guild member!" Announced Erza. Everyone started cheering and clapping and introducing themselves. "Hi, it's nice to meet you. We're the Deadly Secrets. I'm Nashi Dragneel the leader of the team. This is Rioni Fullbuster, my little brother Rueben Dragneel, Sukino Redfox, Meladea Fernandez and Mordecai Dreyar. We called ourselves the Deadly Secrets because we all inherited secret art magic from out parents." Nashi introduced. "No way! Me too!" Miyani squealed. "Wow you should totally join our team then!" Suggested Rioni. "Really? Is it okay?" "Yeah sure!" Agreed Nashi. The rest of the team nodded and Miyani then said: "Let's do it! I'll join the deadly secrets!"

That morning Miyani got six new best friends and got to know everyone in the guild. What she didn't know was that her mother was silently watching her and the other Secrets. She had been since the day Lucy was saved...

A/N: Yay a bit of a cliffhanger here and next chapter I will start training. So did things get a bit interesting? I'm back in England and I did put off writing for a bit but I'm back can't really say when I'll post again. but in the meantime follow my Instagram account: fairytail_ga_kill
Stay cools peoples!!! 😎😎

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