Part 7.

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Gulf's POV.

This is so frustrating, I didn't know how Boom get to know about Aedyn. I don't trust him, he is Mew's brother and even though he seems acting to be on my side now, I don't know when he will flip and side to Mew. I just want to run and hide Aedyn from everyone, this is so frustrating.

A knock on the door pull me out of my over thinking. I stare at the sleeping Aedyn on the bed and silently get the door, it was Hai and he motioned me to follow him and I did.

We reached the sea side, there's only the two of us here. Other employees are either on their room or drunk including my secretary.

"Who was that? I'm sure he isn't Mew because he got tattoos" Hai asked, he hands me a can of beer and since Aedyn is already asleep, then there's no harm in drinking a can of liquor now.

"Mew's brother." I answered, I looked at the dim body of the sea and being lighten by the moonlight. How peaceful, maybe Aedyn and I should just stay in this kind of peaceful place, away from everyone, away from Mew.

"Wow they really look similar" Hai commented and laughed.

"They're twins" I said while rolling my eyes, twins outside but they're totally different inside. If not for their face and surname then you would not even know they are related.

"Oh wow. How did he know you're here?" Hai asked, he turn to just look at me but I keep looking at the sea.

"I don't know but they have many ways, they're powerful" I said and I started to think. Wether he saw me earlier and decides to search for me or he already knew from the beginning that we are here.

"So don't you think Mew knows?" Hai asked and I turned my head to look at him. My eyes widened because what if it's the truth? "You know, you should tell him about Aedyn, you should tell him that he is Aedyn's father" He said, I know that. I know that already, I know that Aedyn deserve to know who his father is and Mew deserves to know about Aedyn's existence but I just want to be selfish for a little bit more. I just want Aedyn to keep for myself just for a bit longer, I will eventually tell him the truth, just not now.

"I don't know but I'm not ready yet" I said. I sighed in despair, how I really wish that life is just as easy as it seems but it isn't. It's like an abstract puzzle that only the maker knows what it really means.

Hai looked at me or looked past me, "Well you should be ready, like right away" He said then he stands up and pats me on the back. My eyes widened while looking at him, I looked behind me and sees Mew standing there, just watching us. These fvckers are playing with me.

"H-how long have y-you been standing there?" I'm stuttering, I know but I can't help it. My heart's beating so fast and loud like I just finished a marathon.

"Since when you said Boom is my twin" Mew answered. He took Hai's place and sit there beside me, I just wanna slug my own self because of not sensing his presence earlier. He basically heard everything, I gulped down so hard that I think all of my saliva just went down. I'm feeling so nervous.

"W-why are you here?" I asked him, trying to hide the nervousness on my voice in which I know he already have picked it up.

"Tell me, Gulf. Who is Aedyn's father?" He asked me. I can't properly see Mew's face but judging from the tone of his voice, he is serious. Why does it have to be now? I'm not yet ready for this confrontation, I can't let them know yet.

"That's private" I answered, hoping he will buy it.

"Answer me, Gulf. Am I Aedyn's father? No scratch that, why did you have to hide that we have a child?" Mew asked and I don't know what to say. I just want to run to where Aedyn is and hug him tightly. To bring him somewhere where there's no Mew. I don't even know why but my tears starts falling down, I'm not even sure what to say.


"The ocean park. I got Aedyn's hair and did a paternity test." He answered and my eyes widened, I didn't even think of that. Mew would of course suspect if I suddenly showed up with a kid.

"I-I'm so-sorry. Please don't take Aedyn from me, he is the only one I have now. He is my life" I just really let my tears fall but as the moon light up Mew's face, there isn't any pity or anger on his face, in-fact, there's no reaction from his face at all. But the way I see it, he is like looking down on me and I don't like it. It is like he is saying he will take Aedyn away.

"You had him for 5 years already" No, no, no. "I think it's time for me to spend time with Aedyn" No, not Aedyn.

"No... Mew no... I won't let you! You can't take him away from me! I will let him spend time with you but I should be around. You cannot take Aedyn, No!" I stubbornly said, I will fight until the depths of the world just for my son.

"I have the right! You can't take that from me. Aedyn will live with me and you can-"

"No! Aedyn is staying with me" I cut him off, I don't want to hear it. I stood and look down on him, "My condition is final! Either you agree to it or nothing"

Mew stands up too to match my height and I know he is a bit taller than I am, "No Gulf. You're being unfair. You depriving me of him since his birth and now you're not letting him stay with me? You know the court will side with me" He said, I don't know if he is threatening me but I'm not having any of it.

"Then I'll see you in court" I turned around and walk back to the house. Not listening to Mew that's calling me. I saw Hai sitting and talking to my employees, he called me but I ignored him too. I went straight to our room, lock it and hug my sleeping son.

"I'm sorry baby but dada can't let you to be with daddy. Not now, my heart can't take it. Just endure it for a bit. I'm sorry" I whispered. My heart is bleeding, my first love is taking my son away and I can't take it. I can't let go of my kid yet, not now. I know that I can't be compared with Mew, that he might win the custody of Aedyn but I will still fight till the end, even though it's futile.

"I love you baby." I whispered to him and kissed his hair. I hugged him closer to me, I can't let Aedyn go, no. No.



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