Part 22.

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Gulf's glare pierced Mew's body and if that glares could kill, Mew is probably dead already. They both are at fault but there's no one to blame they both lack communication which should be their first priority.


"You what? You just lack balls to contact us so you stayed away and chill for days and decided to come to us now? Why didn't you answer all of my calls and texts? You're an adult for fvcks sake! Act like one!" Gulf interrupted Mew before he starts anything. The corner of his eyes were twitching with anger and he is pissed now with Mew's calm face.

"No... I- it's... I'm sorry..." Mew stutters. He lacked words on what to say and he doesn't know what to say or how to explain it because he himself doesn't understand why either.

"Sorry?" Gulf scoffed, "all you can say is sorry? Do you think everything will be fixed with some sorry? You fvcking hurt my son's heart and you just let it go like nothing happened? If you're gonna be a half-ass father to my son then we don't need you. We don't need someone in our life that's too coward and will only show up when it's convenient for him." Gulf said. He hastily wiped his tears that he can't help to fall. His anger is over the clouds but he is trying to calm himself down or he could Mew any moment if he doesn't.

"I'm sorry Gulf. I'm just too afraid of getting rejected by Aedyn..."

"Frightened of getting rejected? Are you trying to make me laugh?" Gulf stands and walk towards Mew. His face is so dark and his eyes were burning with anger, his mind is flooded with agitation and refused to take the rational side.

"It's hard for me too, you know? It's hard for me not to see you and our son but I have to endure it, I don't want you two to hate me." Mew continues to explain yet he seems to be talking to a wall that everything he says just bounces back.

"If that's hard, so what's easy for you then? Huh? You could've called or just fvcking send a single text but you never did. Not even once! And what? Let your cowardice be the answer to all? And you'll settle it with just an apology? If your resolve is only up to that point then you don't deserve neither be a father to my son. We don't need you" Gulf stood firmly though his feet is shaking.

"...but... You don't know how hard it is for me too"

"And it's not with us? Do you think you only have the right to be hurt? We don't need a coward fellow here. I already have and can raise my son alone." Gulf took a deep breath, his breathing is heaving and voice were already shaking as well. "You can get out of our life and never come back." He pointed the door.

Mew didn't argue anymore because he knew that anything he says won't be heard by Gulf. He knew how stubborn the latter is and if his beliefs sets unto something he will never back down unless he calms down and think thoroughly. Mew silently left went to kiss Aedyn's forehead before he left Gulf's office without turning back.

"Why are you back so soon?" Boom greeted Mew as he entered their house but the latter just ignored him and went straight to the bar counter and take a bottle of rum then pour on his glass and drink it at once. He poured another one and drink it, on his third attempt Boom stopped him.

"Chill out! Whoah! That's enough man, chill." Boom took the glass off of Mew's hand and place it back to the counter table. Mew grabbed his phone from his own pocket and stare at his Lock Screen which is a picture of Gulf and Aedyn eating happily.

"What happened?" Boom asked but instead of getting answers, he received a loud bang that signs of a phone breaking from being thrown. Yep, Mew throws his phone and who knows how many phones he got since he always throws one if he is agitated.

"That's new! OMG." Boom exclaimed. They're rich but who would be in their right mind to throw a thousand dollars phone after few days of using. "What?!" Boom exclaimed again when Mew throws a glare at him.

"Gulf doesn't want me anymore" Mew finally said. He grabbed the glass on the table again and fill it with rum then drink. Boom's too slow to grab it so he just let his brother do as he wish.

"I already heard that a thousand times." Boom rolled his eyes. "Tell me something new"

"He said I'm a coward." Mew scoffed. His tears now starts to well up but still preventing them to fall.

"Well, you are. If you're not then you didn't have to wait for Aedyn to grow before showing before them, right? Cause in the first place you know where they stay, where Gulf works, where he gave birth and who's with him all those times. And where were you again? Ah, drowning yourself in self pity and letting your pride overflow. What did you do then to bring them back? Ah, nothing. So if you don't call that being a coward then what is?" Boom's rude words stabs Mew heart. It's like Boom is his conscience, the mirror who spits nothing but the truth.

"Don't lecture me. A womanizer like you isn't someone who can tell me what's wrong or right." Mew retorted.

"At least this womanizer isn't hiding from his responsibilities and doesn't disappear when problem arose." Boom said he walked around while his eyes were glued to his brother.

"You know where I was! You knew what happened!" Mew raised his voice, his eyes widened and the veins on his forehead shows from so much agitation.

"Then did you tell Gulf about it? No, right? Because you don't have the guts to do so. Because Gulf might kick you out of his life for real. You should man up and tell him the truth" Boom said.

"Do you think I didn't try? But I just can't. I can't take the risk." Mew said, he hid his face on his hands as his tears starts falling already. He can't afford to let Gulf and Aedyn go. Gulf's starting to accept him back he can't let that opportunity go.

"Then do you think this pictures won't reach Gulf?" Boom reached the envelope and hand them to Mew. The latter's eyes widened while looking at the pictures, his hands shake from anger.

"Where did you get this? Why do you have them? You son of a -" Mew holds Boom's collar and pin him to the wall but his brother just smirked.

"You aren't careful enough Mew. This pictures were sent to you and not me but I took the liberty to open it for you. Now if it reaches Gulf do you think who he will think is a womanizer between us? What do you think will run to his mind after seeing the pictures?" Boom pushed Mew that made him fall to the floor. "Explain it to him when you still have the chance" Boom left his brother out and went to his room.

Mew's still on the floor surrounded by the pictures scattered with him and some Guy. Them kissing, naked and having sex.


Long time no update.. Hihi sorry 😇

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