Part 27.

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"Mew?" A phone call at night woke Mew up. It has been two days after the event and them being disowned by their father. He doesn't even recognize the number but he still answered them though he doesn't know why though but lucky that he did.

"Who is this?" Mew asked, he is agitated that his sleep got cut-off by some random unimportant people.

"A-are you with Gulf? Is he with you?" The voice of the person from the other end is trembling. It was sudden but Fear wins over Mew's rationality for a second.

"He is not with me. Why would he be?" Mew asked, confused while still trying to think of the most logical reason why Gulf would be with him. "What happened?" Mew asked again when all he got is heavy and nervous breathing from the other line. "Answer me! Damn it!" He cursed.

"Gulf said he would be on his way to see you and it's been 3 hours and we can't get hold of him. He promised that he will call once he is with you but he didn't" Even though the other person's voice trembles, Mew can still get the gist of what he said but it just made him more confused.

"but he doesn't know where I stay!" Mew exclaimed, he can't help but to panic because he doesn't know where to start to look for Gulf. "Is Aedyn with him?" His child suddenly comes to mind thinking that something might have happened to his son as well. Just after confirming that Aedyn is not with his mother it eases Mew's worry a bit.

Ending the call with agreeing to search for Gulf outside but New York is such a big city and they're not even sure how they can find him. They can't file for a missing person since he hasn't been gone for 24 hours.

Please be safe. Mew mumbles as he drives throughout the busy night of New York. Gulf might just be there somewhere, walking, chilling but his phone is unreachable. Mew already asked Boom to get someone to help them search for Gulf and if there's any New for accidents and such but that seems to be in vain too. He keep in touch with the doctor who is staying with Gulf but the result is the same.

On the other side, Kao's shouting at Hai who let Gulf leave. They all knew he is pregnant and anything can happen to a person in just a blink of an eye. Even though they want to blame him for letting the pregnant Gulf go, they can't deny the fact that no one can stop him no matter who that person is if he really decides to go.

They all separated and coordinated with Mew, getting Mew's address just so they could trace the possible path from Gulf's house. They can't let Aedyn know that his dada is missing or not at home since the kid may throw a fit if something really happens to Gulf - hence Mix stayed with the kid the whole time to avoid him waking up or when he does Mix can just find a way to let him go back to sleep while he just silently works on the phone and coordinating with them.

Almost 2 hours passed and they haven't found Gulf yet and no contact from the latter either. Everyone is worried and panicking.

"Hello?" Mix answered the phone right away after seeing it was from Gulf but the voice on the other line is very deep and very far from Gulf's normal voice. The person introduced himself as a police who happens to be with Gulf and they sent him to the hospital due to bleeding. Mix got the address and which hospital. After getting the necessary information he contacted Gulf's friends right away to inform them - he also texted Mew to let him know about the details.

Hai arrived first in the hospital and introduced himself as Gulf's personal doctor. He checked the medical record of Gulf and he can't believe what he just read. Hai called Gulf's mother to come to the hospital since they will be needing a family consent in some test or surgery if needed that they will be performing to Gulf. Everyone arrived but Hai didn't deliver the bad news yet. He can't work inside the hospital since he doesn't have access to it but he got allowed to assist checking Gulf's body.

Mew didn't know yet that Gulf carries another child of his.

"Are you his family?" The doctor asked, facing Gulf's mother. Hai is just standing beside the doctor and wearing his own white coat but his face look so dim - meaning that something didn't go according to plan. Gulf's mom nodded and so the doctor continues to ask, "Is it okay to talk here or do you prefer to be my office?" He eyed the others who are waiting patiently for them.

"W-we... You can say it here" She said.

"Very well. Mr. Kanawut's vitals are stable now and mostly just resting since his body might be aching from the fall. The bump on his head will go away after few days and it's just a normal bump and no fractions or damages in his head aside from that." The doctor speaks which makes them at ease but they didn't expect the rest of the result. "We gave him a bag of blood since he bleeds for a long time and I am sorry to say this but the baby didn't survive. His womb took the hit which causes him to bleed and when he got here it was too late for the baby already." The doctor excused himself and they couldn't believe what the doctor said, it was like when the doctor mention about Gulf's miscarriage, everything just went black. They asked Hai several times to check on it but he didn't answer and just let his tears to fall.

Mew is just standing there, frozen. "I-is it our child?" He finally regain his senses and that is the question he got first.

Up turned around and slapped Mew, "Do you think Gulf will have sex to another asshole other than you?" He shouted at Mew but the latter didn't rebuked. He slowly digested the information and realized that before he knew they're gonna welcome a second child - the baby was taken away from them. He felt robbed, he can't blame Gulf though.

They can't seem to accept the miscarriage but they're more afraid of Gulf's reaction and he has yet to regain consciousness. More than a day has passed and the driver who hit Gulf and ran away got caught - thanks to their connections and got the punishment he deserved. Hai and Mew stayed in the hospital while Gulf's mother didn't come after she signed all the papers needed. The Kao-Up couple just went home to rest insisted by Hai so they have the energy to console Gulf incase he regains consciousness.

As predicted by the test results, Gulf woke up. He looked around and sees Hai sitting beside him while Mew is on the sofa - laying down with his eyes closed.

"H-Hai?" Gulf's voice sounded dry and husky so Hai handed him the water and checked his vitals.

"Thank goodness you're awake now. How are you? Are you feeling okay?" Hai asked. Gulf just nodded his and turn his head to Mew. "Hold on let me wake him up" he said but Gulf shakes his head.

"I got hit by a car... Hai, how's my baby?" Gulf asked, suddenly realizing what exactly happened to him.

Silence is the only answer Hai could give to his friend. If it were a different person it won't be so hard for him so tell that that the baby is gone but its Gulf and he is not working.

"Hai... please answer me, I-is my baby okay? Tell me its okay" Gulf begs as he cries and his voice woke Mew up. Hai wants to deliver the bad news but Mew is there and he want to give the chance to Mew.

"Gulf? How are you now?" Mew rushed to Gulf's side but he got ignored by the latter.

Gulf's crying already, "Hai please... my baby..."

"Our baby's gone." It was Mew who answered but Gulf still refused to listen to him.

"No... Hai, tell me he is just joking right? My baby's okay, right?" Gulf shakes Hai's arm.

Hai swallowed very hard and caress Gulf's hand like he is some delicate person. "The bleeding was intense and your womb took more damage than other parts of your body thus conclude the miscarriage." He explains but Gulf keep shaking head, didn't believe what Hai just said. He was expecting it, he tried to take good care of the baby. He already got the plan that if things didn't work properly between him and Mew then at least he has Aedyn and their second child with him and they can just live somewhere at peace.

"No... Hai... Do something... No... Nooo.. My baby.." Gulf keeps crying and hugged his flat stomach. The baby he just knew few days ago were taken from him in an instant and he is the reason of it. If he just stayed at home then the baby would be safe. He feels guilty towards Mew and he blames himself.


Long time no update! How's everyone?

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