Part 21.

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Gulf brought Aedyn to the office that Monday morning. He didn't even tell his son that they will meet his father because they have to clear the things around them. Gulf has to keep it from Aedyn since the kid will throw a fit if he knows. He hasn't forgiven his father yet and they have not receive any confirmation from Mew though his secretary sends an email to Mix that Mew will show on that day. And even though Gulf has tried to explain things to his son but Aedyn refused to accept them.

"Are they here yet?" Gulf asked, looking at his secretary but Mix shakes his head. They haven't receive any updates from Mew's side. They were late for more than 10 minutes already and it is a business meeting that Gulf arranged with a side reason for them to fix the air as well.

"I'm sorry I'm late" The door of Gulf's office opened, there shows the face of the man they're waiting for but exactly him.

"Uncle~" Aedyn rose and runs to greet. Boom brought another gifts for Aedyn however he noticed the disappointment in Gulf's face. "Ahh~ Mew? He left."

"He left? What do you mean?" Gulf asked, confused yet angry. Why did the person responsible just leave like that like it was nothing?

"He has to. He got sent somewhere" Boom answered. Gulf raise a brow but Boom just shrugged and then proceeds to carry Aedyn. "How is my favorite nephew?" He kissed Aedyn's cheeks while the kid giggles.

"Do you even have other nephew or niece?" Gulf retorted.

"I don't" Boom grins then laughed so hard while Gulf just rolled his eyes. "I love you little panda! I wish your father is just like you. But I really guess he really is." Boom said making Gulf crease his brow - confused.

"What do you mean?" Gulf asked but he got ignored by Boom.

"Little Mew-"

"My name is Aedyn Fynn" He pouts when Boom calls him little Mew.

"Aedyn Fynn.. son of Mew Suppasit and Gulf Kanawut but why do you hate your daddy?" Boom asked. He placed Aedyn beside him on the couch while Gulf sits on the opposite side. Mix left the office and let them talk since he knew what Gulf will discuss to Boom about business anyway and mostly it's just personal issues.

"...because he hates my mom" Aedyn answered. He looked at Gulf then lowered his head, "they're saying bad things about my dada" he added.

"You know? Daddy loves your mother so much that he waited for so long" Boom said messing Aedyn's hair.

"But daddy said something about my dada and I hate it. I don't want him anymore" Aedyn cried again.

"You don't miss your daddy? What if your daddy will never come back again because you hate him? Your dada will be sad" Boom said, guilt tripping the kid which seems to be effective. Gulf did that too but he isn't successful.

Aedyn's eyes starts to water and his tears starts to flow. "I'm sorry daddy~" He said as he cries. Gulf changed seats and sits beside his son as he tries to wipe Aedyn's tears off his face. "Dada.. I wanna see my daddy~" Aedyn demanded.

"...but daddy isn't here. Let's talk to daddy some other time, okay?" Gulf said though he is comforting his son, his voice sounds very irritated. Mew's not there when Aedyn needs him and he always leave everyone hanging and no means of contacting him. He's like a bubble that pops into the air with no trace behind and that's what Gulf doesn't like.

"Aww~ I thought you don't love your daddy anymore?" Boom teases Aedyn more. The kid cried harder realizing the hurtful word he uttered to his father.

"I love my daddy~ I wanna see my daddy. Dada, please? Let's go to daddy?" Aedyn begs and Gulf's heart melts and aches at the same time. A mother who doesn't get hurt when their child is hurt doesn't deserve to be called mother.

"Awwh~ my baby finally misses his daddy" Gulf hugged his son. If it was before, he would happily let Aedyn's anger to his father grow since by then Mew can't even be with their son. However, things are different now, the situation's different now so is his feelings.

"Uncle... I wanna talk to my daddy" Aedyn tugs Boom's shirt.

"We'll talk to your father once he is available, okay?He isn't here today which he is supposed to be" Gulf gritted his teeth. Boom laughed which confused Gulf when the latter take his phone out and put it on speaker.

"Who said he isn't here? He is here! What are you waiting for? You can come in now, you know?" Boom said as he laugh again. Mew is on the other line just listening to their whole conversation and it was Boom's idea to work that way. Mix might have seen Mew outside but he didn't say a word.

A knock is heard from the door and there shows Mew's face. He is still handsome as he is but his face looks kinda exhausted. He trotted inside and went to hug Gulf - ignoring everyone else.

"I missed you" Mew whispered and rests his head on Gulf's shoulder. "I really miss you. I love you Gulf" Mew said as he tighten his embrace.

"Ssshhh.. its alright now. I'm here." Gulf said, "...but you have to talk to your son first then we'll settle ours later" He gently pat Mew's back. Mew has to recover his self before facing his son.

Mew stands straight up and turn his attention to his son. He walked slowly, the tension is intense. Mew kneeled and level his height with Aedyn's.

"Baby... little superman, daddy is sorry." Mew sniffed, "daddy will never hurt your dada. I will never search for someone else other than him. Daddy is sorry for being insensitive and not thinking properly." Mew apologized as if his life is on the line and maybe it is because that's his family he is gambling for. "Daddy is hurting hearing his superman hates him"

Mew explained to Aedyn what happened in the simplest words that the kid would understand. He apologize nonstop as well.

"I'm sorry too daddy, please don't leave us" Aedyn cries out loud again.

"Yes.. I won't" Mew said. Like a baby, both father and son cried in the presence of Boom and Gulf. Its heart warming seeing them reunited and seeing both apologize to each other - admitting their mistakes.

"Daddy~" Aedyn hugged his father tighter. "Mommy~" Aedyn turned his head to Gulf while he extends his arm waiting to be embraced. Gulf hesitates for a bit since it would be the first time his son calls him 'mommy' instead of the one that he used to.

"I love you baby" Gulf kissed Aedyn's hair.

"I love you too baby" Mew answered. Gulf's eyes twitched because his words were aimed to Aedyn but Mew answered instead.

Boom can't hold it in and cracked a loud laugh that separates the three or to be exact, Gulf separates himself from Mew and Aedyn while looking awkward.

"Ahem! Am I watching a live drama? Well, good for you brother but I have to go now. I have a date to catch" Boom winked at Mew and messes Aedyn's hair before leaving the three of them in which he should have done in the first place.


"Gulf..." Mew started. He already placed Aedyn on the couch so can comfortably sleep. He is tired from so much crying and all.

"No communication and you'll act like this? What do you think am I? A stupid?" Gulf scolds him. He turned his back to Mew. All those things built up and it fills Gulf's cup. He had enough and he needs explanation.



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