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A/N- Disclaimer Bakugou didn't bully Deku, but at one point when they were younger Deku would be mean to him.

BabyBaku POV

I looked up at my mom that was holding me, I wasn't listening before so I didn't hear what she said.

"Why did they all just run out?" My mom looked down and smiled. She then kissed my forehead, causing me to giggle again. I've always been soft when it comes to my family, especially when I get emotional.

"Where going to stay with Daddy from now on" I smiled so big when I heard that. My dad has been staying in America dealing with the company. We don't get to see him often so I've missed him so much. I can only guess how Kei feels, he is a huge daddy's boy same with me but not like Kei. Mono and Himi are more of mommy children.

"Enji, Aizawa can you pack his stuff for him because his class looks like he they have a lot to ask." They nodded and went to my room while my mom turned back to my ex-class. 

"Why are you leaving Bakugou?" I looked at them and laughed. I got down from my mother.

"You guys are joking right? You all don't like me remember. Apparently it's to unmanly to keep being my 'friend'. You could've just told me, not talk behind my back, I would've just left you alone but it's fine I don't care anymore. Oh and then there's Todoroki, talking behind my back is one thing but cheating on me with someone  I considered a best friend is something else. I hope you treat him better than you did me. Oh and Deku kiss my ass." I said just standing there with unshed tears in my eyes. I was about to sat something else until I was cut off.

"KITTEN" I now for a fact that's Hito cause he's the only dumbass that calls me kitten. (Not a ship he just does it to tease him.) I turn around to look at him but before I turned fully I was engulfed in a hug.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop fucking calling me kitten." He chuckled as he let go of me. He turned and glared at the others then looked back at me.

"Monoma told me what happened, you really going to leave me kitten. You wound me." I rolled my eyes but chuckled.

"Yes I'm leaving dumbass, don't worry about it but for the love of god." I pulled away and he gave me a confused look.

I looked up to Kami, I know for a fact he was forced into this, I see him with tears in his eyes. I know everything about him from the abusive parents to the bullying to the self harm. I helped him out and he looked to me as a 'mother figure' because apparently I act like a mother, he even took to calling me Mama. I might carry him with me just because.

"I swear to god Kami if you don't come and tell me wants wrong I'm leaving you here." I definitely won't. He looked up at me and I opened my arms. He was shocked for a few seconds then pushed everyone that was in front him and ran into my arms. He then let out all his tears as I rubbed his back to calm him down. 

"I'm s-sorry M-Mama I-I di-didn't...... I did-" He was crying so much he couldn't even talk but I knew he was going to say.

"Shhh it's ok, Mama's not mad at you. Your ok, I right here and I'm not leaving. I've got you bubba." He looked up at me, yes he is shorter than me thank god. I heard someone suck their teeth but I could careless at the moment.

"Ma-Mama n-not ma-mad?" When he gets emotional, stressed and etc he regresses and he starts to act and talk like a child, it doesn't matter to me, besides he's too cute when he's like that.

"No I'm not baby, I can never be mad at you, you're just too cute." I just started pinching his cheeks. He smiles at me though his tears and then starts giggling.

"I became a mother to early but with you being this cute I'm not even bothered." I picked him up, he is really small for his age but its normal for him apparently. He puts his arms around my neck and his head on my shoulder.

"Are y-you still l-leaving?" I looked up at him and nodded. I could see him go back to being sad. Yea I'm keeping him and bringing him with me. I looked at my mom. She shocked her head at me and then laughed.

"I'll allow it" I look back at Kami.

"Welp let's go get your bags ready and get my outfit changed along with you." He head snapped up to me. I winced just watching that.

"I'm coming?" 

"I not leaving my bubba here so yes your coming." He smiled so big. I'm protecting this innocent with my life.

"Remember that secret I told you, I had." He nodded his head. "Well do you to know what it is." he nodded so fast. I'm literally going to get a whiplash just watching him. I looked around and realized the class left. Probably to school.

I took one hand off of him and used some of my sweat, it started glowing but instead of explosions they were vines and flowers. I created yellow flowers and small white flowers on brown vines. I spin my index finger a little and let the vines bend and twist. When the vines stopped there was a crown being held by another but this one was green. When I took the crown and the vine holding it disappeared. I turned my head to Kami and he looked amazed. I put the crown on top his head.

The crown

"These vines and flowers won't die as long as I live, thanks to my quirk

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"These vines and flowers won't die as long as I live, thanks to my quirk." I bopped his nose. He held on me got tighter.

"Thank you Mama!"

"Ok we're going and pack before Kami kills me with his cuteness." I said as I left the room.

Yay this chapter is longer that what I was planning for but cool. Also I love Kaminari too much I couldn't make him bad. So just to make things clear, Bakugou acts clingy to his family when emotional but Kaminari clings to his Mama (Bakugou) and regresses when emotional. Just to clear things up.

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